January 15, 2025
Journal Article

Isolation of Single Donors in ZnO


The shallow donor in zinc oxide (ZnO) is a promising semiconductor spin qubit with optical access. Single indium donors are isolated in a commercial ZnO substrate using plasma focused ion beam (PFIB) milling. Quantum emitters are identified optically by spatial and frequency filtering. The indium donor assignment is based on the optical bound exciton transition energy and magnetic dependence. The emission stability of these single donors in terms of both intensity and frequency, alongside their transition linewidths less than twice the lifetime limit, highlight the promise of single In donors as optically accessible spin qubits. Moreover, the optical stability of single donors post-FIB fabrication is promising for optical device integration required for scalable quantum technologies based on single donors in direct band gap semiconductors.

Published: January 15, 2025


Hansen E., V. Niaouris, B.E. Matthews, C. Zimmerman, X. Wang, R. Kolodka, and L. Vines, et al. 2024. Isolation of Single Donors in ZnO. Physical Review Letters 133, no. 14:Art. No. 146902. PNNL-SA-205477. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.146902