November 4, 2023
Conference Paper

Ising-CF: A Pathbreaking Collaborative Filtering Method Through Efficient Ising Machine Learning


Due to Ising models’ strong expressivity and Ising machines’ unique computational power, it is highly desired if Ising-based learning can be used in real-world applications. Unfortunately, the challenges in learning Ising models and gaps between the practical accuracy of Ising machines and the theoretical accuracy of Ising models impede the realization of Ising machines’ potential. Hence, we propose an Ising Machine Learning framework, Ising-CF, for collaborative filtering, a widely-used recommendation method. Specifically, Ising-CF uses Linear Neural Networks with Besag’s pseudo-likelihood and voltage polarization for fast, accurate Ising model learning and an Ising-specific logarithmic quantization for ns-level Ising machine inference with near-theoretical accuracy, 7.3% over SOTA.

Published: November 4, 2023


Liu Z., Y. Yang, Z. Pan, A. Sharma, A. Hasan, C. Ding, and A. Li, et al. 2023. Ising-CF: A Pathbreaking Collaborative Filtering Method Through Efficient Ising Machine Learning. In Proceedings of the 60th Design Automation Conference (DAC 2023), July 9-13, 2023, San Francisco, CA, 1-6. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-182186. doi:10.1109/DAC56929.2023.10247860

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