July 26, 2024
Conference Paper

Investigating Marine Environmental Degradation Of Additive Manufacturing Materials For Renewable Energy Applications


Marine renewable energy is a relatively young industry where there is a great need for rapid prototyping in design-build-test campaigns to quickly mature ground-breaking technologies. Additive manufacturing has an important role to play in the industry; however, little information is available to marine energy developers to help inform them on which additive manufacturing materials are appropriate for harsh marine environments. This paper presents an initial study on the mechanical characterization of polymeric additive manufacturing materials and degradation effects due to the marine environment. Ultem 9085, acrylonitrile styrene acrylate (ASA), and chopped carbon-filled Nylon, as well as continuous carbon and glass fiber reinforced Nylon were chosen for this study. Samples were manufactured to perform a variety of tension, shear, and compression mechanical characterization tests on the materials. Half of the samples were conditioned in Pacific Ocean water for approximately 6 months at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Marine and Coastal Research Laboratory before being returned for mechanical characterization. The mechanical testing results showed that the Ultem 9085 and ASA materials experienced little to no degradation in stiffness or strength after exposure to the marine environment. On the other hand, the Nylon-based materials suffered significant stiffness and strength degradation (over 50% in some cases) after environmental conditioning. Ultimately, these results should serve as starting points to allow marine renewable energy developers to make informed additive manufacturing material choices for their prototype deployments.

Published: July 26, 2024


Murdy P., J. O'Dell, D. Barnes, J.R. McVey, and C.R. Rumple. 2023. Investigating Marine Environmental Degradation Of Additive Manufacturing Materials For Renewable Energy Applications. In Proceedings of the 9th Annual Composites and Advanced Materials Expo (CAMX 2023), October 30-November 2, 2023, Atlanta, GA. Diamond Bar, California:SAMPE. PNNL-SA-185843. doi:10.33599/nasampe/c.23.0066