November 18, 2024
Conference Paper

Invertible Temper Modeling using Normalizing Flows and the Effects of Structure Preserving Loss


Advanced manufacturing research and development is typically small-scale, owing to costly experiments associated with these novel processes. Deep learning techniques could help accelerate this development cycle but frequently struggle in small-data regimes like the advanced manufacturing space. While prior work has applied deep learning to modeling visually plausible advanced manufacturing microstructures, little work has been done on data-driven modeling of how microstructures are affected by heat treatment, or assessing the degree to which synthetic microstructures are able to support existing workflows. We propose to address this gap by using invertible neural networks (normalizing flows) to model the effects of heat treatment, e.g., tempering. The model is developed using scanning electron microscope imagery from samples produced using shear-assisted processing and extrusion (ShAPE) manufacturing. This approach not only produces visually and topologically plausible samples, but also captures information related to a sample’s material properties or experimental process parameters. We also demonstrate that topological data analysis, used in prior work to characterize microstructures, can also be used to stabilize model training, preserve structure, and improve downstream results. We assess directions for future work and identify our approach as an important step towards end-to-end deep learning system for accelerating advanced manufacturing research and development.

Published: November 18, 2024


Howland S., K.S. Kappagantula, H.J. Kvinge, and T.H. Emerson. 2024. Invertible Temper Modeling using Normalizing Flows and the Effects of Structure Preserving Loss. In Proceedings of the ICML 2024 Workshop on Geometry-grounded Representation Learning and Generative Modeling, July 29, 2024 Vienna, Austria, 1-10. San Diego, California:International Conference on Machine Learning. PNNL-SA-200750.

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