September 23, 2019
Journal Article

Integrated Policy Assessment and Optimiszation over Multiple Sustainable Development Goals in Eastern Africa


Heavy reliance on traditional biomass for household energy in eastern Africa has significant negative health and environmental impacts. The African context for energy access is rather different from historical experiences elsewhere as challenges in achieving energy access have coincided with major climate ambitions. Policies focusing on household energy needs in eastern Africa contribute to at least three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Climate Action, Good Health, and Improved Energy Access. This study uses an integrated assessment model to simulate the impact of land policies and technology subsidies, as well as the interaction of both, on Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, exposure to air pollution and energy access in eastern Africa under a range of socioeconomic pathways. We find that land policies focusing on increasing the sustainable output of biomass resources can reduce GHG emissions in the region by about 10%, but also slightly delay progress in health and energy access goals. An optimised portfolio of energy technology subsidies of 11 to 14 dollars per capita up to 2030 can yield another 10% savings in GHG emissions, as well as 20% lower mortality related to air pollution, while improving energy access by up to 15%. After 2030, both land and technology subsidy policies become less cost-effective, and more dependent on the overall development path of the region. The analysis shows that subsidies for biogas technology should be prioritised in both the short and long term, while the distribution of a potential subsidy budget over LPG (health and energy access), PV (energy access), ethanol (climate and health) and charcoal (climate; if linked to land policies) pathways would depend on the most relevant sustainable development goal from the perspective of local policymakers or international organisations such as the Green Climate Fund. We suggest that integrated policy analysis is needed in the African context for simultaneously reaching progress in multiple SDGs.

Revised: September 26, 2019 | Published: September 23, 2019


Van De Ven D.P., J. Sampedro, F.X. Johnson, R. Bailis, A. Forouli, A. Nikas, and S. Yu, et al. 2019. Integrated Policy Assessment and Optimiszation over Multiple Sustainable Development Goals in Eastern Africa. Environmental Research Letters 14, no. 9:Article Number 094001. PNNL-ACT-SA-10426. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab375d