November 29, 2018
Journal Article

Insights on the Alumina-Water Interface Structure by Direct Comparison of Density Functional Simulations with X-ray Reflectivity


Density functional theory molecular dynamics (DFT-MD) simulations are frequently used to predict the interfacial structures and dynamical processes at solid-water interfaces in efforts to gain a deeper understanding of these systems. However, the accuracy of these predictions of interfacial structure has not been rigorously quantified. Here, direct comparisons between large-scale DFT-MD simulations and high-resolution X-ray reflectivity (XR) measurements of the well-defined Al2O3(001)-water interface reveal the relative accuracy of these two methods to describe interfacial structure, a comparison that is enabled by XR’s high sensitivity to atomic-scale displacements. The DFT-MD simulated and XR model-fit structures are qualitatively similar, but XR signals calculated directly from the DFT-MD predictions deviate significantly from the experimental data, revealing discrepancies in these two approaches. Differences in the derived interfacial Al2O3 relaxation profiles of ~0.02 A within the top 5 layers are significant to XR but at the limit of the accuracy of DFT. Further differences are found in the surface hydration layer with a simulated average water layer height ~0.2 A higher than that observed experimentally. This is outside the accuracy of both XR and DFT and is not improved by the inclusion of a phenomenological correction for hydrogen bonding (e.g., Grimme).

Revised: January 2, 2019 | Published: November 29, 2018


Harmon K.J., Y. Chen, E.J. Bylaska, J.G. Catalano, M.J. Bedzyk, J.H. Weare, and P. Fenter. 2018. Insights on the Alumina-Water Interface Structure by Direct Comparison of Density Functional Simulations with X-ray Reflectivity. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, no. 47:26934-26944. PNNL-SA-138269. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b08522