April 7, 2018
Journal Article

Inner versus Outer Sphere Metal-Monoamide Complexation: Ramifications for Tetravalent & Hexavalent Actinide Selectivity


Extraction of tetravalent and hexavalent plutonium by straight and branched chained monoamides was studied using UV-Vis spectroscopy. It was determined that predominantly anionic, outer sphere species are, formed, in all instances instead of Pu4+ recovery by acyl branched monoamides. Distribution values calculated from UV-Vis analysis were compared to tracer level LSC measurements, and were found to agree. Distribution values of hexavalent Am were also assessed. Good distribution values were achieved with straight monoamides and bis-2-ethyl hexyl phosphoric acid.

Revised: September 6, 2019 | Published: April 7, 2018


McCann K., S.I. Sinkov, G.J. Lumetta, and J.C. Shafer. 2018. Inner versus Outer Sphere Metal-Monoamide Complexation: Ramifications for Tetravalent & Hexavalent Actinide Selectivity. New Journal of Chemistry 42, no. 7:5415-5424. PNNL-SA-129152. doi:10.1039/C7NJ04851C