May 24, 2022
Journal Article

An Implantable Biomechanical Energy Harvester for Animal Monitoring Devices


Insufficient service life and the resulting need for battery replacements have been a great challenge for implantable electronic devices. This is particularly true for animal tracking applications, because recapturing animals is often unlikely once they are released to the wild. To tackle this problem, we developed a biomechanical energy harvester that uses a Macro Fiber Composite™ (MFC) piezoelectric beam to harvest the mechanical energy from animals’ body bending movements as the power source for implantable and wearable devices. Prototypes of an underwater acoustic transmitter using this technology were subdermally implanted into juvenile white sturgeon and their energy harvesting performance was evaluated through the device’s transmissions. The fish successfully recovered from the implantation surgery and freely swam inside a tank. The transmitter prototypes in the fish continually transmitted signals for a period up to 5 weeks. A benchtop test setup was also created to emulate the fish’s body bending, estimate the device’s energy harvesting performance in the live fish, and perform accelerated fatigue testing of the energy harvester by applying test parameters learned from a video study of the fish’s body movement and behavior characteristics. The gradual depolarization of the piezoelectric ceramic material in the MFC under cyclic mechanical loading was the main limiting factor for the life span of the energy harvester. Pathways for improvement are proposed to achieve long-term efficacy of powering implantable and wearable electronic devices.

Published: May 24, 2022


Li H., J. Lu, M.J. Myjak, S.A. Liss, R.S. Brown, C. Tian, and Z. Deng. 2022. An Implantable Biomechanical Energy Harvester for Animal Monitoring Devices. Nano Energy 98. PNNL-SA-166095. doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2022.107290