February 17, 2024
Conference Paper
Impact of Spatial Variation in Flexibility on System Operations in Electric Power Systems
With the expansion of renewable energy resources in the electric power systems, having flexibility in the setup will allow to maintain the system's reliability and prevailing operations. Such flexibility can be extracted from utility operated and/or consumer owned devices, such as, storage devices, electric vehicles, etc. For the demand side, generally consumer preferences, incentives, etc. enact on the availability of the flexibility; besides, both the spatial and temporal dimension dictates the degree of the flexibility. Consequently, the optimal dispatch of the grid resources might appear intractable as the considerable amount of flexibility are obliquely stemming from the ungovernable consumer devices. Thus characterizing the consequences of diverged feasible flexibility in the system is crucial for operations. In this paper, a procedure is developed to quantify the degree of flexibility of power systems in terms of resource dispatch reconfiguration. Specifically, we develop optimization problems to attain equivalent resource configurations for the power systems to evaluate the spatial volatility of the network and asses the flexibility of the system. The developed process is then validated using numerical simulations for IEEE-30 bus test system.Published: February 17, 2024