February 15, 2024
Imaging Intact Filamentous Fungi from Spore to Hyphal Tip on the Nanoscale
Previously, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory was limited by a 3-order of magnitude gap in resolution for direct 2-D and 3-D imaging of chemical, biological, energy and materials science systems. Our imaging instrumentation could directly visualize 3-D ultrastructure without labeling at resolutions less than 10-nanometers or greater than 10-micrometers. To address this gap, we procured and commissioned a Sigray NanoFast Bio-Lambda laboratory-based x-ray nanotomography system. This equipment provides the capability to image through tens of micrometers of organic materials at down to 35-nanometer resolution to bridge the nanoscale to the mesoscale for biological systems, organic polymers, environmental and particulate samples.Published: February 15, 2024