December 24, 2024
Journal Article
Harvest Initiated Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From In-Field Tall Wheatgrass
While crop and grassland usage continue to increase, the full diversity of plant-specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from these ecosystems, including their implications for atmospheric chemistry and carbon cycling, remains poorly understood. It is particularly important to investigate VOCs in the context of potential biofuels: aside from the implications of large-scale land use, harvest may shift both the flux and speciation of emitted VOCs. To this point, we evaluate the diversity of VOCs emitted both pre and post-harvest from ‘Alkar’ tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum), a candidate biofuel that exhibits greater tolerance to frost and saline land compared to other grass varieties. Mature plants grown under field conditions (n = 6) were sampled for VOCs both pre and post-harvest (October 2022). Via data-dependent clustering of emitted VOCs from each plant, we observe distinct ‘volatilomes’ (diversity of VOCs) specific to the pre and post-harvest conditions despite plant-to-plant variability. 50 VOCs were found to be unique to the post-harvest tall wheatgrass volatilome, and these unique VOCs constituted a significant portion (26%) of total post-harvest signal. While green leaf volatiles (GLVs) dominate the speciation of post-harvest emissions (e.g., 54% of unique post-harvest VOC signal was due to 1-penten-3-ol), we demonstrate novel post-harvest VOCs from tall wheatgrass that are under characterized in the context of carbon cycling and atmospheric chemistry (e.g., 3-octanone). Continuing evaluations will quantitatively investigate tall wheatgrass VOC fluxes, better informing the feasibility and environmental impact of tall wheatgrass as a biofuel.Published: December 24, 2024