April 4, 2023

Grid Resilience to Extreme Events – Connecting Science to Investments and Policy


A workshop co-hosted by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Seattle City Light was held at the Seattle Municipal Tower on November 8–10, 2022. Participants from research organizations, utilities, professional associations, consultants, and government organizations attended. The purpose of the workshop was to develop a vision for addressing climate extremes that include improving forecasting and characterization, infrastructure resilience modeling, and investment planning and decision support. The workshop also aimed to provide a platform for sharing approaches and information and identifying possible collaborations.

Published: April 4, 2023


Homer J.S., D.R. Judi, J.C. Fuller, and S.R. Bates. 2023. Grid Resilience to Extreme Events – Connecting Science to Investments and Policy Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.