September 21, 2022
Journal Article

Global Dust Cycle and Direct Radiative Effect in E3SM Version 1: Impact of Increasing Model Resolution


Quantification of dust aerosols in Earth System models (ESMs) has important implications for water cycle and biogeochemistry studies. This study examines the global life cycle and direct radiative effects (DRE) of dust in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1), and the impact of increasing model resolution both horizontally and vertically. The default 1° E3SMv1 captures the spatial and temporal variability in the observed dust aerosol optical depth (DAOD) reasonably well, but overpredicts dust absorption in the shortwave. Simulations underestimate the dust vertical and long-range transport, compared with the satellite dust extinction profiles. After updating dust refractive indices and correcting for a bias in partitioning size-segregated emissions, both shortwave cooling and longwave warming of dust simulated by E3SMv1 are increased and agree better with other recent studies. The estimated net dust DRE of -0.42 Wm-2 36 represents a stronger cooling effect than the observationally based estimate -0.2 Wm-2 37 (-0.48 to +0.2), due to a smaller longwave warming. Constrained by a global mean DAOD, modelsensitivity studies of increasing horizontal and vertical resolution show strong influences on the simulated global dust burden and lifetime primarily through the change of dust dry deposition rate; there are also remarkable differences in simulated spatial distributions of DAOD, DRE and deposition fluxes. Thus, constraining the global DAOD is insufficient for accurate representation of dust climate effects, especially in transitioning to higher- or variable43 resolution ESMs. Better observational constraints of dust vertical profiles, dry deposition, size and longwave properties are needed.

Published: September 21, 2022


Feng Y., H. Wang, P.J. Rasch, K. Zhang, W. Lin, Q. Tang, and S. Xie, et al. 2022. Global Dust Cycle and Direct Radiative Effect in E3SM Version 1: Impact of Increasing Model Resolution. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 14, no. 7:Art. No. e2021MS002909. PNNL-SA-172629. doi:10.1029/2021MS002909

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