July 9, 2022

FY 2020 Economic Impact of PNNL on the State of Washington


The FY 2020 Economic Impact Report details several of PNNL’s economic indicators, including PNNL’s total economic output, annual spending, jobs, number of employees, purchased goods and services, companies with roots in PNNL, STEM support and corporate charitable contributions. It also explains the economic impact of PNNL operations on the state of Washington—all within the context of PNNL’s response to the COVID pandemic and the effect of COVID-19 on PNNL’s economic impact within the state and local community during FY 2020. The results are impressive. Our response to COVID allowed for the majority of our staff to transition to telework, stay productive, avoid furloughs, and even hire new staff. COVID had minimal impact on our ability to positively effect economic impact in the state and community. Additionally, we directly and indirectly supported more than $1.59B through PNNL payroll and domestic purchased goods and services, and we generated 7,580 jobs in Washington State. PNNL’s annual spending was more than $1.1B. Battelle and PNNL contributions to philanthropic and civic organizations totaled $1.08M, many of which are outlined within the report. This information is intended to answer questions we often get from stakeholders who believe in the power of science and technology institutions to help sustain vibrant, educated communities in our state.

Published: July 9, 2022


Niemeyer J.M., J.A. Fisher, and J.L. Blake. 2021. FY 2020 Economic Impact of PNNL on the State of Washington Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.