September 19, 2024
Journal Article

Four Vignettes on Interactions with Martin Seah: The Impact of His Work


Four brief vignettes briefly describe ways that Dr. Martin Seah influenced my career and those of many others. These brief stories highlight aspects of his i) career long contributions to the quantification and accuracy of surface analysis, ii) ability to identify and willingness to fill information gaps and needs, iii) significant efforts to communicate the nature of the challenges and what was known about best practices in an engaging and often humorous manner, and iv) many delightful professional and social interactions which also contributed to community impact.

Published: September 19, 2024


Baer D.R. 2022. Four Vignettes on Interactions with Martin Seah: The Impact of His Work. Surface and Interface Analysis 54, no. 4:308-313. PNNL-SA-166244. doi:10.1002/sia.7019