June 13, 2016
Conference Paper

Exploring Effective Decision Making through Human-Centered and Computational Intelligence Methods


Decision-making has long been studied to understand a psychological, cognitive, and social process of selecting an effective choice from alternative options. Its studies have been extended from a personal level to a group and collaborative level, and many computer-aided decision-making systems have been developed to help people make right decisions. There has been significant research growth in computational aspects of decision-making systems, yet comparatively little effort has existed in identifying and articulating user needs and requirements in assessing system outputs and the extent to which human judgments could be utilized for making accurate and reliable decisions. Our research focus is decision-making through human-centered and computational intelligence methods in a collaborative environment, and the objectives of this position paper are to bring our research ideas to the workshop, and share and discuss ideas.

Revised: December 2, 2016 | Published: June 13, 2016


Han K., K.A. Cook, and P.C. Shih. 2016. Exploring Effective Decision Making through Human-Centered and Computational Intelligence Methods. In Human Centred Machine Learning at CHI 2016, May 7-12, 2016, San Jose, California. New York, New York:ACM. PNNL-SA-116344.