September 19, 2024
Journal Article

Exploiting a derivative discontinuity estimate for accurate G0W0 ionization potentials and electron affinities


The GW approximation has become an important tool for predicting charged excitations of isolated molecules and condensed systems. Its popularity can be attributed to many factors, including a favorable scaling and relatively good accuracy. In practical applications, the GW is often performed as a one-shot perturbation known as G0W0. Unfortunately, G0W0 suffers from a strong starting point dependence and is often not as accurate as one would need. Self-consistent GW methodologies alleviate these problems but come with a marked increase in computational cost. In this manuscript, we propose the use of an estimate of the exchange-correlation derivative discontinuity to provide a remarkably good starting point for G0W0 calculations, yielding ionization potentials and electron affinities with eigenvalue self-consistent GW quality at no additional cost. We assess the quality of the resulting methodology with the GW100 benchmark set.

Published: September 19, 2024


Mejia Rodriguez D. 2024. Exploiting a derivative discontinuity estimate for accurate G0W0 ionization potentials and electron affinities. Electronic Structure 6, no. 1:Art. No. 015012. PNNL-SA-193154. doi:10.1088/2516-1075/ad3124