September 19, 2024
Conference Paper

Event Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning Applied to PMU Data for the Western US Power System


Smart grid technology enhances our comprehension and reliability of the power grid, leveraging Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) data—time-synchronized, high-frequency measurements gathered across the US power grid. This paper employs machine learning techniques to effectively analyze the vast PMU data in Wide Area Monitoring Systems (WAMS) for power grid event detection and classification. Analyzing several months of real-world PMU data, the paper focuses on machine learning for fast, precise event detection and classification, corroborated by utility event logs. Practical challenges like feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and model selection are addressed. A novel feature yielding improved results is discovered, and a supplementary algorithm for detecting small power grid faults is developed. The final algorithm is validated using a month-long real PMU data set, demonstrating its capability in accurately identifying power grid events in near real-time.

Published: September 19, 2024


Yin T., S. Wulff, J.W. Pierre, and B. Amidan. 2024. Event Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning Applied to PMU Data for the Western US Power System. In International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics (SGSMA 2024), May 21-23, 2024, Washington, D.C., 1-6. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-189991. doi:10.1109/SGSMA58694.2024.10571471