March 31, 2023
Journal Article

An evaluation of tropical cyclone rainfall structures in the HighResMIP simulations against satellite observations


This study evaluates tropical cyclone (TC) rainfall structures in the CMIP6 HighResMIP global climate model (GCM) simulations against satellite rainfall retrievals. We specifically focus on TCs within the deep tropics (25oS-25oN). Analysis of TC rain rate composites indicates that in comparison to the satellite observations at the same intensity, many HighResMIP simulations tend to overproduce rain rates around TCs, in terms of both maximum rain rate magnitude and area-averaged rain rates. In addition, as model horizontal resolution increases, the magnitude of the peak rain rate appears to increase. However, the area-averaged rain rates decrease with increasing horizontal resolution, partly due to the TC eyewall being located closer to the TC center, thus occupying a smaller area and contributing less to the area-averaged rain rates. The effect of ocean coupling is to lower the TC rain rates, bringing them closer to the satellite observations, due to reduced horizontal moisture flux convergence and surface latent heat flux beneath TCs. Examination of horizontal rain rate distributions indicates that vertical wind shear-induced rainfall asymmetries in HighResMIP-simulated TCs are qualitatively consistent with the observations. In addition, a positive relationship is observed between the area-averaged inner-core rainfall and TC intensification likelihoods across the HighResMIP simulations, as GCM simulations producing stronger TCs more frequently have the greater rainfall close to the center, in agreement with previous theoretical and GCM simulation results.

Published: March 31, 2023


Moon Y., D. Kim, A. Wing, S. Camargo, M. Zhao, L. Leung, and M.J. Roberts, et al. 2022. An evaluation of tropical cyclone rainfall structures in the HighResMIP simulations against satellite observations. Journal of Climate 35, no. 22:3715–3738. PNNL-SA-176154. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0564.1

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