December 31, 2024

Evaluate Synergies of Using Hydrothermal Liquefaction and Anerobic Digestion treatment technologies for wastewater resources recovery facilities (CRADA 516 Final Report)


The research focuses on utilizing a new anaerobic digestion (AD) configuration to treat the aqueous by-product generated by hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of sewage sludge. This report found that for Anaerobic Digestion for HTL By-product, Anaerobic biofilms can degrade some HTL wastewater contaminants, but co-digestion is essential to address nutrient deficiencies and optimize performance. Without AD, toxicity of HTL aqueous streams may limit broader adoption in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) used an innovative reactor design, involving a dynamic membrane anaerobic bioreactor to promote biofilm growth, improving contaminant degradation. The tree-like structure inside the reactor supports biofilm development with recirculation enhancing microbial activity. Overall, a 70% chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal was achieved, although nutrient supplementation is required for stability. The reactor achieved a diverse microbial community, including methanogens and bacteria capable of degrading phenols and aromatics.

Published: December 31, 2024


Schmidt A.J., M.R. Thorson, X. Fonoll Almansa, and J. Norton. 2024. Evaluate Synergies of Using Hydrothermal Liquefaction and Anerobic Digestion treatment technologies for wastewater resources recovery facilities (CRADA 516 Final Report) Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.