October 15, 1998
Journal Article

Epitaxial Growth of fcc Ti Films on Al(001) Surfaces


Studies the growth of thin Ti films on Al(001) surfaces with high-energy ion scattering (HEIS), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and x-ray photoelectron diffraction (XPD). Observes that although there is a general similarity of fcc Ti growth on both Al(001) and Al(110), the submonolayer growth regime does show differences for the two surfaces.

Revised: May 21, 1999 | Published: October 15, 1998


Saleh A.A., A.A. Saleh, V. Shutthanandan, N.R. Shivaparan, R.J. Smith, T.T. Tran, and S.A. Chambers. 1998. Epitaxial Growth of fcc Ti Films on Al(001) Surfaces. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 56, no. 15:9841-9847. PNNL-SA-30692.