September 26, 2018
Book Chapter

Electricity Markets in the United States: A Brief History, Current Operations, and Trends


The global energy landscape is witnessing a concerted effort towards grid modernization precipitated by concerns of sustainability, aging infrastructures, and growing demand. A cyber-physical infrastructure is emerging to embrace the zero emission energy assets such as wind and solar generation and result in a Smart Grid that delivers green, reliable, and affordable power. A key ingredient of this infrastructure is electricity markets, the first layer of decision-making in a Smart Grid. This chapter provides an overview of electricity markets which can be viewed as the backdrop for their emerging role in a modernized, cyber-enabled grid. Starting from a brief history of the electricity market, the article proceeds to delineate the current market structure, and closes with a description of current trends and emerging directions.While we limit our discussion to markets in the United States, similar evolution, needs, drivers, and opportunities exist on a global scale as well.

Revised: June 4, 2019 | Published: September 26, 2018


Nudell T.R., A.M. Annaswamy, J. Lian, K. Kalsi, and D. D'Achiardi. 2018. Electricity Markets in the United States: A Brief History, Current Operations, and Trends. In Smart Grid Control: Opportunities and Research Challenges, edited by Stoustrup J., Annaswamy A., Chakrabortty A., Qu Z. pp. 3-27. PNNL-SA-127149. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-98310-3_1