May 19, 2024

Electrical Resistivity Tomography Monitoring of In Situ Soil Flushing at the Hanford 100-K East Area: 100KE Soil Flushing Monitoring


Former operations in the 100-KE Area at the Hanford Site resulted in vadose zone hexavalent chromium that provides a source of groundwater contamination. Previous efforts to remediate vadose zone chromium involved excavation and offsite treatment of contaminated soils. Although much of the chromium was removed, contamination still exists in native soil between the water table and the bottom of the pit, which has since been backfilled. In-situ soil flushing was tested at the 100-KE Area to accelerate the removal of the remaining hexavalent chromium in the vadose zone. Soil flushing works by applying clean flush water at the surface, which mobilizes and transports chromium as it migrates downward to the water table. Once the chromium reaches the water table, it is hydraulically contained, extracted, and treated through pump and treat operations. The efficacy of soil flushing is directly related to the volume of clean water that infiltrates through contaminated soils. Therefore, performance monitoring requires and understanding of flush water migration through the vadose zone. It is challenging to comprehensively assess soil flushing performance via borehole access due to the limited volume of investigation afforded by a given wellbore. As an alternative, 3D time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was tested as a method of monitoring the distribution of flush water over time within the vadose zone. ERT is a method of imaging the bulk electrical conductivity of the subsurface, which is highly dependent on water saturation levels in unconsolidated and unsaturated sediments. Thus, the timing and location of changes in bulk conductivity caused by soil flushing can be used to infer flush water migration pathways. In this report we present results of 3D time-lapse ERT imaging during two separate soil flushing campaigns conducted during the spring and summer months of 2022 and 2023. Results show generally that: 1) Pit backfill materials appear to nominally have larger permeability than native soils. Consequently, the boundary between pit backfill and native soil had a significant impact on flush water migration, causing some flush water to migrate along the pit boundary to the bottom of the pit. 2) Non-uniform flows, likely caused by variations in hydrogeologic properties, developed in the pit backfill materials, resulting in uneven flush water distribution on the southern margin of the soil flushing zone. 3) Redistribution of water at the interface between backfill materials and Hanford formation materials likely facilitated elevated and uniform distribution of flush water within native soils beneath the deeper parts of the pit boundary beneath the center of the flush zone, which presumably overlie soils with elevated chromium contamination. These areas appear to have been infiltrated by higher volumes of flush water than the northern and southern margins of the flush zone. 4) In comparison to 2022, high flush water application rates significantly improved flush water distribution throughout the target flushing zone. 5) Imaging resolution was limited to a depth of approximate 20 meters below the land surface, due primarily to limitations on the lateral extent of the surface ERT array. The ~10 m region of the vadose zone between approximately 130 meters elevation and the water table at approximately 120 meters elevation was unresolved.

Published: May 19, 2024


Johnson T.C., J.N. Thomle, J.L. Robinson, and R.D. Mackley. 2024. Electrical Resistivity Tomography Monitoring of In Situ Soil Flushing at the Hanford 100-K East Area: 100KE Soil Flushing Monitoring Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

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