November 18, 2024
Conference Paper
Early Exploration of a Flexible Framework for Efficient Quantum Linear Solvers in Power Systems
The rapid integration of renewable energy resources presents formidable challenges in managing power grids. While advanced computing and machine learning techniques offer some solutions for accelerating grid modeling and simulation, there remain complex problems that classical computers cannot effectively address. Quantum computing, a promising technology, has the potential to fundamentally transform how we manage power systems, especially in scenarios with a higher proportion of renewable energy sources. One critical aspect is solving linear systems of equations, crucial for power system applications like power flow analysis, for which the Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL) algorithm is a well-known quantum solution. However, HHL quantum circuits often exhibit excessive depth, making them impractical for current Noisy-Intermediate-Scale-Quantum (NISQ) devices. In this paper, we introduce a versatile framework, powered by NWQSim, that bridges the gap between power system applications and quantum linear solvers available in Qiskit. This framework empowers researchers to efficiently explore power system applications using quantum linear solvers. Through innovative gate fusion strategies, reduced circuit depth, and GPU acceleration, our simulator significantly enhances resource efficiency. Power flow case studies have demonstrated up to a eight-fold speedup compared to Qiskit Aer, all while maintaining comparable levels of accuracy.Published: November 18, 2024