November 18, 2024
DOE Cold Climate Heat Pump Challenge Field Validation: Data Collection and Analysis Plan
This document details the data collection, storage, and analysis plan and methodologies for conducting the field validation portion of DOE’s Cold Climate Heat Pump (CCHP) Challenge. The study is focused on validating the in-field heating performance of prototypical CCHPs that have successfully demonstrated that they meet or exceed the Challenge specification in a laboratory setting. The units that have passed laboratory testing will be installed in real homes along with sensors and loggers for monitoring performance over an entire heating season. Data collected through monitoring will be cleaned and stored in a secure database. The data will be analyzed for calculating the key metrics defined by the Challenge including heating capacities at low outdoor air temperatures (below 32 °F), efficiency in terms of the Coefficient of Performance (COP), switchover temperatures and auxiliary heat staging. Demand Response (DR) capabilities will also be tested using specially designed DR events. In most cases, shoulder season and cooling season performance will also be determined and reported.Published: November 18, 2024