June 22, 2021
Conference Paper

Distribution Model Creation using Circuit Maps for Applied PV Impact Studies


Photovoltaic (PV) generation is becoming increasingly common on power distribution systems. The output fluctuations of this variable resource necessitate the creation of an accurate model to ensure that any adverse impacts to the distribution system are properly addressed. To reduce model creation time, a method of extracting data from AutoCAD drawings using scripted methods was developed. This paper will present a distribution model creation and validation process, document case studies of evaluating the impact of PV interconnections on utility distribution feeders, and discuss future applications. PV integration was found to be easier on 23 kV circuits compared to 4.16 kV circuits.

Published: June 22, 2021


Morgenstern C.W., S.R. Abate, E. Cook, and T.E. McDermott. 2018. Distribution Model Creation using Circuit Maps for Applied PV Impact Studies. In IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM 2018), August 5-10, 2018, Portland, Or, 1-5. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-130248. doi:10.1109/PESGM.2018.8585960