June 4, 1998
Journal Article

Dissociative Electron Attachment Resonances in Nanoscale ice films: Thickness and charge trapping effects


Radiation-induced damage of DNA has received a large amount of attention, and it is now well established that single-strand breaks (SSB) and double-strand breaks (DSB) result from both "direct" and "indirect" processes [1-6].

Revised: June 19, 2019 | Published: June 4, 1998


Simpson W.C., T.M. Orlando, L. Parenteau, K. Nagesha, and L. Sanche. 1998. Dissociative Electron Attachment Resonances in Nanoscale ice films: Thickness and charge trapping effects. Journal of Chemical Physics 108, no. 12:5027-5034. PNNL-SA-29022. doi:10.1063/1.475924