Label Propagation is not only a well-known machine learning algorithm for classification but it is also an effective method for discovering communities and connected components in networks. We propose a new Direction-Optimizing Label Propagation Algorithm (DOLPA) framework that enhances the performance of the standard Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA), increases its scalability, and extends its versatility and application scope. As a central feature, the DOLPA framework relies on the use of frontiers and alternates between label push and label pull operations to attain high performance. It is formulated in such a way that the same basic algorithm can be used for finding communities or connected components in graphs by only changing the objective function used. Additionally, DOLPA has parameters for tuning the processing order of vertices in a graph in order to reduce the number of edges visited and improve the quality of solution obtained. We present the design and implementation of the enhanced algorithm as well as our shared-memory parallelization of it using OpenMP. We also present an extensive experimental analysis of our implementations using the LFR benchmark and real-world networks drawn from various domains. Compared with an implementation of LPA for community detection available in a widely-used network analysis software, we achieve at most five times the F-Score while maintaining similar runtime for graphs with overlapping communities. We also compare DOLPA against an implementation of the Louvain method for community detection using the same LFR-graphs and show that DOLPA achieves about three times the F-Score at just 10% of the runtime. For the parallel implementation, we get a speedup of up to 10× on real-world graphs for experiments run on an Intel Xeon processor using 64 threads.
Published: April 13, 2023
Liu X., A. Lumsdaine, M. Halappanavar, K.J. Barker, and A. Gebremedhin. 2022.Direction-Optimizing Label Propagation Framework for Structure Detection in Graphs: Design, Implementation, and Experimental Analysis.ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 27, no. 2:Art. No. 1.12, pp 1-31.PNNL-SA-163585.doi:10.1145/3564593