October 29, 2021

Development of Efficient Process for Manufacturing of Thermoplastic Composites with Tailored Properties - CRADA 511


This is a collaborative effort between Battelle Memorial Institute as manager and operator of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and ESI North America Inc. (“ESI” or “Participant”) to apply computation and data analytics to the challenge of light weighting with a focus on the battery enclosures of electric vehicles (EVs). EVs use heavy batteries to increase range and power. A complex-shaped battery enclosure is required to meet a host of challenging performance requirements. The ability to virtually develop composite parts such as battery enclosure with tailored properties to meet required performance will be highly valuable to the automotive industry. However, efficient simulation of composite-manufacturing processes remains a challenging issue since simulation involves multiscale models in space and time, highly non-linear and anisotropic behavior, strongly coupled multi-physics, and complex geometries. This work will advance the state of the art by reducing the computational burden of composite optimization by using simulation data from a limited number of configurations off-line and then developing a reduced order model (ROM) using data analytics and machine learning (ML). develop a data driven approach to link features of the material and manufacturing processes to the mechanical properties of thermoplastic composite parts.

Published: October 29, 2021


Devanathan R. "Development of Efficient Process for Manufacturing of Thermoplastic Composites with Tailored Properties - CRADA 511." PNNL-SA-160002.