May 20, 2021
Conference Paper

Density Matrix Quantum Circuit Simulation via the BSP Machine on Modern GPU Clusters


As quantum computers evolve, simulations of quantum programs on classical computers will be essential in validating quantum algorithms, understanding the effect of system noise, and design applications for future quantum computers. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-GPU programming model called MG-BSP that constructs a virtual BSP machine on top of modern multi-GPU platforms, and tweak the programming model to build a multi-GPU density matrix quantum simulator. We propose and evaluated a new formulation minimizing communication and prove that the transformation conserves original semantics when noise is introduced. We build the tool-chain to support quantum assembly open standard, synthesize testing quantum circuit, and enable ultra-deep quantum simulation. We evaluated our design on four state-of-the-art multi-GPU platforms including the latest DGX-1 and DGX-2 systems. We demonstrate simulation of 1 million gates in 94 minutes, far deeper circuits than has been demonstrated in prior work. A roofline-model analysis show that we have reached near-optimal performance under memory bound.

Published: May 20, 2021


Li A., O. Subasi, X. Yang, and S. Krishnamoorthy. 2020. Density Matrix Quantum Circuit Simulation via the BSP Machine on Modern GPU Clusters. In International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC2020), November 9-19, 2020, Atlanta, GA, 1-15. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-143160. doi:10.1109/SC41405.2020.00017