June 14, 2004
Conference Paper

Decision-support tools for the assessment process


A new software system is under development that provides a framework to link disparate assessment software and databases for site-specific, regional, or national analyses. This system represents the merger of the Framework for Risk Analysis in Multimedia Environmental Systems (FRAMES), which performs site-specific assessments, and Multi-media, Multi-pathway, Multi-receptor Risk Assessment (3MRA) methodology, which performs regional and national assessmsents. This Merged System is an icon-driven, site-layout platform, which represents an interactive means by which the user graphically constructs a conceptualization of the problem by visually expressing the assessment, indicating sources of contamination, contaminant travel pathways through the environment, linkages between contamination and people or wildlife, and impacts associated with the contamination. It processes data as part of a systems-based assessment and is an open-architecture, object-oriented framework, which contains "sockets" for a collection of databases and computer codes that will transparently simulate elements of transport, exposure, and risk assessment, including contaminant source and release to and through overland soils, vadose and saturated zones, air, surface water, food supply, intake human health impacts, sensitivity/uncertainty, ecological impacts, with the ability to expand into areas including Geographical Information System (GIS), remediation technology, cost analysis, Data Quality Objectives, life-cycle management, and conceptual site design. A user can choose from a list of models, and the assessment path forward can be visually presented, which describes the models and their linkages from source through receptor to the decision-making endpoint.

Revised: June 14, 2006 | Published: June 14, 2004


Whelan G., M.A. Pelton, and K.E. Dorow. 2004. Decision-support tools for the assessment process. In Brownfields: Multimedia Modelling and Assessment. Presented at: Brownfields 2004: 2nd International Conference on Prevention, Assessment, Rehabitation, and Development of Brownfield sites. 14 - 16 June 2004, Siena, Italy, edited by Gene Whelan, 1-10. Southhampton:WIT Press. PNNL-SA-36313.