July 23, 2021
Journal Article

DART-PFLOTRAN: An Ensemble-based Data Assimilation System for Estimating Subsurface Flow and Transport Model Parameters


Ensemble-based Data Assimilation (EDA), based on the Monte Carlo approach, has been ef-fectively applied to estimate model parameters through inverse modeling in subsurface flow and transport problems. However, implementation of EDA approach involves a complicated workflow that include setting up and executing ensemble forward model simulations, processing observations and model simulation results for parameter updates, and repeat for sequential or it-erative EDA. To facilitate the management of such workflow and lower the barriers for adopting EDA-based parameter estimation in subsurface science, we develop a generic software frame-work linking the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) with a massively parallel subsur-face FLOw and TRANsport code PFLOTRAN. The new DART-PFLOTRAN leverages both the core data assimilation engines in DART and the computational power a?orded by PFLOTRAN. In addition to the standard smoother and filtering options, DART-PFLOTRAN enables an iter-ative EDA workflow based on the Ensemble Smoother for Multiple Data Assimilation method (ES-MDA) to improve estimation accuracy for nonlinear forward problems. We verify the im-plementation of ES-MDA in DART-PFLOTRAN using two synthetic cases designed to estimate static permeability and dynamic exchange fluxes across the riverbed, respectively, from contin-uous temperature measurements made across a depth profile. One-dimensional hydro-thermal simulations are performed in both cases to relate temperature responses with the parameters of interest. In the case of estimating dynamic parameters, we demonstrate the flexibility of DART-PFLOTRAN in automating sequential ES-MDA workflow, which will significantly reduce the time researchers spend on managing complex workflows in similar applications. Both studies yield accurate estimations of the parameters compared to their synthetic truth, while ES-MDA leads to more accurate estimation when a high level of nonlinearity exist between observed responses and unknown parameters. With a code base in Python and Fortran, DART-PFLOTRAN paves the way for applications in large-scale subsurface inverse modeling by automating the complex workflow of sequential ES-MDA that can be executed on various computing platforms.

Published: July 23, 2021


Jiang P., X. Chen, K. Chen, J. Anderson, N. Collins, and M. Gharamti. 2021. DART-PFLOTRAN: An Ensemble-based Data Assimilation System for Estimating Subsurface Flow and Transport Model Parameters. Environmental Modelling & Software 142. PNNL-SA-160802. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105074