September 21, 2024
Journal Article

Damping Inter-Area Oscillation using Reinforcement Learning Controlled TCSC


Appropriate damping control of the inter-area oscillation would ensure the grid stability and maintain the tie-line power transfer capability. In this paper, we proposed a novel reinforcement learning (RL) based power oscillation damping (POD) controller that uses Thyristor Controlled Series Compensators (TCSC) to damp inter-area oscillations. By leveraging the unbiased gradient direction estimation of the natural evolution strategy (NES), we successfully regulated the power flows on the tie-lines and damped inter-area oscillations through dynamically modulating the inserted reactance of the TCSC. The proposed RL-based POD controller has been tested on both two-area four-machine system and North American Minni-WECC system. Extensive studies have demonstrated the excellent performance of the proposed RL-based TCSC POD controller in damping inter-area oscillations.

Published: September 21, 2024


Huang R., W. Gao, R. Fan, and Q. Huang. 2022. Damping Inter-Area Oscillation using Reinforcement Learning Controlled TCSC. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution 16, no. 11:2265-2275. PNNL-SA-171507. doi:10.1049/gtd2.12441

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