December 12, 2024
Journal Article

Cryo-EM Structure of the Mnx Protein Complex Reveals a Tunnel Framework for the Mechanism of Manganese Biomineralization


The global manganese cycle relies on microbes to oxidize soluble Mn(II) to insoluble Mn(IV) oxides. Some microbes require peroxide or superoxide as oxidants, but others can use O2 directly, via multicopper oxidase (MCO) enzymes. One of these, MnxG from Bacillus sp. strain PL-12, was isolated in tight association with small accessory proteins, MnxE and MnxF. The protein complex, called Mnx, has eluded crystallization efforts, but we now report the 3D structure of a point mutant using cryo-EM single particle analysis, cross-linking mass spectrometry, and AlphaFold Multimer prediction. The ß-sheet–rich complex features MnxG enzyme, capped by a heterohexameric ring of alternating MnxE and MnxF subunits, and a tunnel that runs through MnxG and its MnxE3F3 cap. The tunnel dimensions and charges can accommodate the mechanistically inferred binuclear manganese intermediates. Comparison with the Fe(II)-oxidizing MCO, ceruloplasmin, identifies likely coordinating groups for the Mn(II) substrate, at the entrance to the tunnel. Thus, the 3D structure provides a rationale for the established manganese oxidase mechanism, and a platform for further experiments to elucidate mechanistic details of manganese biomineralization.

Published: December 12, 2024


Novikova I.V., A. Soldatova, T.H. Moser, S.M. Thibert, C. Romano, M. Zhou, and B.M. Tebo, et al. 2024. Cryo-EM Structure of the Mnx Protein Complex Reveals a Tunnel Framework for the Mechanism of Manganese Biomineralization. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146, no. 33:22950–22958. PNNL-SA-185378. doi:10.1021/jacs.3c06537

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