May 20, 2021
Conference Paper

A Clustering-based biased Monte Carlo Approach to Protein Titration Curve Prediction


We develop and implement a novel approach to computing the ensemble averages in systems characterized by pair-wise interactions between the entities. Methods involving full enumeration of the configuration space result in exponential complexity. Sampling methods such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms have been proposed to tackle the exponential complexity of these problems. In certain scenarios where significant energetic coupling exists between the entities, the accuracy of the such algorithms can be diminished. We propose a strategy to improve the accuracy of the MCMC runs by taking advantage of the cluster structure in the interaction energy matrix. We propose two different schemes for performing the biased MCMC runs on the partitioned systems and show that they are valid MCMC schemes. We then apply these algorithms to the problem of computing the protonation fractions and hence the titration curves of titratable protein residues that constitute a given protein. We leverage both synthesized and real-world systems and show the improved performance of our biased MCMC methods when compared to the regular MCMC method.

Published: May 20, 2021


Visweswara Sathanur A., and N.A. Baker. 2020. A Clustering-based biased Monte Carlo Approach to Protein Titration Curve Prediction. In IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2020), December 14-17, 2020, Miami, FL, 179-184. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-154142. doi:10.1109/ICMLA51294.2020.00037