May 21, 2018
Journal Article

Chroma Shift and Gamut Shape: Going Beyond Average Color Fidelity and Gamut Area


Though sometimes referred to as a two-measure system for evaluating color rendition, IES TM-30-15 includes other key components that go beyond the high-level average values IES Rf and IES Rg. This article focuses on the Color Vector Graphic and Local Chroma Shift (IES Rcs,hj), discussing the calculation methods for these evaluation tools and providing context for the interpretation of the values. It also presents alternatives for quantifying the same characteristics, which can inform the development of future measures. The Color Vector Graphic (CVG) is a visual representation of hue and chroma shifts across different hues. It quickly communicates complex information about how object colors will be rendered by a light source, although it is difficult or impossible to use for writing a specification. CVGs demonstrate that increases in chroma for certain hues sometimes means a decrease in chroma for other hues, and illustrates hue shifts for intermediate colors. The combination of shifts over different hues can be referred to as gamut shape. Complementing this information are the IES Rcs,hj values, which quantify the average relative chroma shift for samples in each of the 16 hue-angle bins (j) specified in IES TM-30-15. Unlike measures of average color fidelity and gamut area, gamut shape and hue-specific chroma shift are new concepts with no directly-comparable historical references. It will be critical to incorporate the Color Vector Graphic and Local Chroma Shift values into practice because they capture information about color rendition that is impossible to describe with average measures (such as CIE Ra, IES Rf, or IES Rg), but that is critical to understanding human evaluations of color quality in architectural environments.

Revised: May 30, 2018 | Published: May 21, 2018


Royer M.P., K.W. Houser, and A. David. 2018. Chroma Shift and Gamut Shape: Going Beyond Average Color Fidelity and Gamut Area. LEUKOS - The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 14, no. 3:149-165. PNNL-SA-127109. doi:10.1080/15502724.2017.1372203