May 25, 2023
Journal Article

Chemical Separation and Measurement of Platinum Activation Products


A new method has been developed to purify and measure platinum radioisotopes in the presence of fission products and environmental constituents. The method uses a combination of cation exchange and anion exchange chromatography and selective precipitation steps to remove other radioisotopes from the sample. The addition of stable platinum carrier allows for a gravimetric determination of the chemical yield of the procedure. Overall, the method is fast, simple, and potentially applicable for rapid turnaround of unknown samples. Using this method, multiple platinum radioisotopes were measured in two different irradiation experiments. The measured ratios of the platinum radioisotopes clearly reflect the neutron spectrum of the irradiation, suggesting that measurements of platinum could be a valuable tool in nuclear forensic analyses.

Published: May 25, 2023


Wren M.S., I. May, I. May, E. Guardincerri, M. Boswell, S.M. Herman, and E.J. Warzecha, et al. 2023. Chemical Separation and Measurement of Platinum Activation Products. Talanta 260. PNNL-SA-182390. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2023.124587