April 30, 2024
Conference Paper
Characterization of D-T Generator Neutron Flux Spectrum for Cyclic Neutron Activation Analysis Experiments
Improving nuclear data for short-lived fission product yields will further our fundamental understanding of fission, which is needed across various scientific fields and applications. One method of attaining the needed product yield data is through cyclic neutron activation, which allows a target to be irradiated in a neutron environment and then transported for counting of the radionuclides produced, typically via g spectroscopy. Recently, such a system has been constructed and commissioned at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Targets are shuttled between the head of a D-T neutron generator and a counting station with a transit time of 2 seconds. As part of the characterization of this system, the neutron flux was studied using two activation targets. The neutron flux from the deuterium-tritium fusion generator was determined to be 9.95(33) x10^8 n/cm2-s with a peak energy of 14.9 MeV and a spread of approximately 4 decades between the epithermal and 14 MeV peak group flux.Published: April 30, 2024