December 13, 2024
Book Chapter

Automated Immunoprecipitation Workflow for Comprehensive Acetylome Analysis


Immunoprecipitation is one of the most effective methods for enrichment of lysine-acetylated peptides for comprehensive acetylome analysis using mass spectrometry. Manual acetyl peptide enrichment method using non-conjugated antibodies and agarose beads has been developed and applied in various studies. However, it is time consuming, and can introduce contaminants and variability that leads to potential sample loss and decreased sensitivity and robustness of the analysis. Here we describe a fast, automated enrichment protocol that enables reproducible and comprehensive acetylome analysis using a magnetic bead-based immunoprecipitation reagent.

Published: December 13, 2024


Gritsenko M.A., C. Tsai, H. Kim, and T. Liu. 2024. Automated Immunoprecipitation Workflow for Comprehensive Acetylome Analysis. In Proteomics for Drug Discovery. Methods in Molecular Biology, edited by J. Blonder. 173–191. New York, New York:Humana Press. PNNL-SA-191447. doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-3922-1_12

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