The end of Dennard’s scaling, coupled to the necessity to keep increasing computational performance in constrained power envelopes, is leading developers towards the need to opti- mize applications not only for performance, but also for energy consumption. In such a scenario, solutions that enable estimating performance and energy consumption of a program as early as possible, even during development and without the necessity to access the final target hardware, can become fundamental tools to reduce the design space, the optimization effort, and provide potential opportunities to automate the optimization process itself.
In this position paper, we discuss the design of a performance and energy estimation framework based on a retargetable com- piler. Our proposed approach targets the Intermediate Repre- sentation (IR) of the LLVM compiler. The IR based approach enables, after a model is built, estimation from a host different from the target architecture, even considering dynamic infor- mation. We present the rationale behind such a framework, identify opportunities and components readily available (such as the provided static analysis, quick ways to add instrumentation for dynamic profiling, and the multiple backends), and aspects that still need further research efforts (such as more effective non-linear, or machine learning based models). We also discuss a hand-developed case study, based on a simple sparse matrix vector multiplication with a linear model, to motivate the needs for such a framework.
Revised: February 12, 2021 |
Published: December 22, 2017
Tumeo A. 2017.Architecture Independent Integrated Early Performance and Energy Estimation. In Eighth International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC 2017), October 23-25, 2017, Orlando, FL, 1-6. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE.PNNL-SA-129380.doi:10.1109/IGCC.2017.8323602