May 14, 2019
Journal Article

Approximate Green’s Function Coupled Cluster A Method Employing Effective Dimension Reduction


The Green’s function coupled cluster (GFCC) method, originally proposed in the early 1990s, is a powerful many-body tool for computing and analyzing the electronic structures of molecular structures and periodic systems, especially when electrons are strongly correlated. However, in order for the GFCC method to become an approach that can be routinely used in the electronic structure calculations, more robust linear algebraic techniques and approximations need to be employed to reduce its extremely high computational overhead. In our recent studies, we showed that the GFCC equation can be numerically solved by seeking solutions of multiple linear systems in the frequency regime of interest, which can be easily distributed in a massively parallel environment, and broaden the avenue for more state-of-the-art numerical linear algebraic tools associated with multiple linear systems to be kicked in to this field. In the present pursuit of this practice, we show a successful application of model order reduction (MOR) techniques in the GFCC framework. Briefly speaking, for a frequency regime of interest that requires a high resolution of spectral function, instead of solving GFCC linear equation in the original dimension for every single frequency point, an easily-solvable linear system model with reduced dimension can be built upon projecting the original GFCC linear system into a subspace, from which the interpolation and extrapolation can give a reasonable approximation to the results of the original GFCC linear equations. Here, we show that the subspace can be properly constructed in an iterative manner from the auxiliary vectors of the GFCC linear equations at some select frequencies inside the frequency regime. During the iterations, the quality of the subspace, as well as the linear system model, can be systematically improved. The approach is tested in this work in terms of the efficiency and accuracy of computing spectral functions for some typical molecular systems including carbon monoxide, 1,3-butadiene, benzene, and adenine molecules. As a byproduct, the high quality linear system model is also found to be able to provide high quality initial guess for the existing linear solver to improve the convergence performance.

Revised: February 21, 2020 | Published: May 14, 2019


Peng B., R. Van Beeumen, D. Williams-Young, K. Kowalski, and C. Yang. 2019. Approximate Green’s Function Coupled Cluster A Method Employing Effective Dimension Reduction. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 15, no. 5:3185-3196. PNNL-SA-141176. doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00172