June 3, 2023

American Homeowner Perceptions and Choices for Energy Efficiency Summary of Technology Adoption – Census Division Level


In 2020 a nationwide survey of homeowners was conducted to determine what energy efficiency upgrades homeowners had made to their homes and which ones they would make in the near future. The survey also included results on respondent financials pertaining to energy efficiency home upgrades/retrofits, as well as perceptions of the value of energy efficiency/who should support improving the energy efficiency of the residential sector. This report provides a general summary of the nationwide results as they pertain to the following three issues: (1) how much did respondents indicate spending on energy efficiency-related home upgrades, (2) what upgrades/improvements had they made to their homes, and (3) which upgrades/improvements do they believe will have the largest impact on energy efficiency. The results provided are segmented by census division as specific regions demonstrated unique preferences for energy efficiency and willingness to expend family resources to achieve those goals.

Published: June 3, 2023