May 9, 2018
Journal Article

Advanced EMT and phasor-domain hybrid simulation with Simulation mode Switching Capability for Transmission and Distrubution Systems


Conventional electromagnetic transient (EMT) and phasor do-main hybrid simulation approaches presently exist for transmission system level studies and their simulation efficiency is generally constrained by the EMT simulation. With an increasing number of distributed energy resources and non-conventional loads being installed in the distribution systems, it is imperative to ex-tend the hybrid simulation application to include distribution systems and integrated transmission and distribution systems. Meanwhile, it is equally important to improve the simulation efficiency as the modeling scope and complexity of the detailed system in the EMT simulation increases. To meet both requirements, this paper introduces an advanced electromagnetic transient (EMT) and phasor domain hybrid simulation approach. This approach has two outstanding features: 1) a comprehensive phasor domain modeling framework which supports positive-sequence, three-sequence, three-phase and mixed three-sequence/three-phase representations; 2) a robust and flexible simulation mode switching scheme which enables simulation switching from hybrid simulation mode back to pure phasor domain dynamic simulation mode to achieve significantly improved simulation efficiency. The proposed method has been tested on integrated transmission and distribution systems, and the results show that with the developed simulation switching feature, the total computational time is significantly reduced compared to running the hybrid simulation for the whole simulation period, while good accuracy is maintained.

Revised: January 2, 2019 | Published: May 9, 2018


Huang Q., and V. Vittal. 2018. Advanced EMT and phasor-domain hybrid simulation with Simulation mode Switching Capability for Transmission and Distrubution Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33, no. 6:6298-6308. PNNL-SA-126907. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2834561