Microstructure characterization enables the development of structure-processing-property relationships critical to several research areas within the broad field of materials science, from alloy design to the assessment of corrosion resistance, and failure analysis. Conventional approaches to material characterization have relied on either qualitative inference by the human ex-pert or software applications that can extract high-level features from images, such as boundary segmentation, average grain diameter, etc. Such approaches rely heavily on subject matter expert user intervention and knowledge of what phases or more generally, what microstructural features, are of interest. The recent surge in the adoption of machine learning techniques to address problems in materials engineering has brought with it an increased interest and application of Image Driven Machine Learning (IDML) approaches. In this work, we review the applications of IDML to the field of materials characterization. A canonical hierarchy of stages is defined, which when put sequentially together completes an IDML study: problem definition, dataset building, model selection and training, model evaluation, and integration with existing instrumentation or simulation workflow. The studies reviewed in this work are analyzed from the perspective of each of these stages. Such a review permits agranular assessment of the field, for example the impact of IDML on materials characterization at the nanoscale, the size of a typical dataset required to train a semantic segmentation model on electron microscopy images, ubiquitousness of transfer learning in the domain, etc. Finally, we discuss the importance of interpretability and explainability in the field of IDML for materials characterization, and provide an overview of two emerging techniques in the field: semantic segmentation and generative adversarial networks.
Published: November 10, 2021
Baskaran A., E.J. Kautz, A. Chowdhury, W. Ma, B. Yener, and D.J. Lewis. 2021.Adoption of image-driven machine learning for microstructure characterization and materials design: A Perspective.JOM. The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 73, no. 11:3639–3657.PNNL-SA-159271.doi:10.1007/s11837-021-04805-9