September 21, 2022
Journal Article
An activity-based probe targeting the streptococcal virulence factor C5a peptidase
Development of profiling strategies to provide high resolution understanding of enzymes involved in bacterial infections remains an important need. These strategies help resolve enzyme mechanisms of actions and can guide therapeutic development. We have developed a selective new activity-based probe (ABP) targeting a highly con-served surface bound enzyme, C5a peptidase, pre-sent in several pathogenic Streptococci. We demonstrate our probe inhibits C5a peptidase activity and enables detection of C5a peptidase expressing pathogens in microbial mixtures. Our profiling strategy selectively labels the pathogen by phenotype and enables specific isolation of the live bacteria providing a route for further in-depth investigation. This study paves the way towards a rapid detection, isolation, and characterization pipeline for existing and emerging strains of most common pathogenic Streptococci.Published: September 21, 2022