March 5, 2018
Journal Article

Accurate Determination of Coulombic Efficiency for Lithium Metal Anodes and Lithium Metal Batteries


Lithium (Li) metal is an ideal anode material for high energy density batteries. However, its low Coulombic efficiency (CE) and formation of dendrites during the plating and stripping processes has hindered its applications in rechargeable Li metal batteries. The accurate measurement of Li CE is a critical factor to predict the cycle life of Li metal batteries, but the measurement of Li CE is affected by various factors that often leads to conflicting values reported in the literature. Here, we investigate various factors that affect the measurement of Li CE and propose a more accurate method of determining Li CE. It was also found that the capacity used for cycling greatly affects the stabilization cycles and the average CE. A higher cycling capacity leads to a shorter number of stabilization cycles and higher average CE. With a proper high-concentration ether-based electrolyte, Li metal can be cycled with a high average CE of 99.5 % for over 100 cycles at a high capacity of 6 mAh cm-2 suitable for practical applications.

Revised: March 22, 2018 | Published: March 5, 2018


Adams B., J. Zheng, X. Ren, W. Xu, and J. Zhang. 2018. Accurate Determination of Coulombic Efficiency for Lithium Metal Anodes and Lithium Metal Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials 8, no. 7:Article No. 1702097. PNNL-SA-127159. doi:10.1002/aenm.201702097