Hazard Quotient File
There are four qualifying types of a HQF: "Terrestrial HQ", "Aquatic HQ", "Aquatic Organism HQ", and "Terrestrial Organism Intake HQ". All types of output may be placed in two different comma-separated files with an HQF extension. A module section can contain one or both types pertaining to the HQFs described below, in any order by changing out the appropriate dataset portion of the psuedo code for each qualifying type. Examples are given below.
The following outline is a description of the basic information provided in an HQF. This file may be modified through an API. See the Software Development Kit (SDK) for more information. An example HQF is included after the outline. Comparing the line-by-line description in the outline to the example should clarify and help locate data contained in the HQF. Lines beginning with ';' are descriptive comments only and will not appear in the actual HQF.
Ecological Hazard Quotient
The file can describe either an Terrestrial HQ or Aquatic HQ. Terrestrial Ecological Hazard Quotient output type describes the soil screening level (SSL) HQ for each contaminated terrestrial media location chemical concentration over time (e.g. soil concetration file), using an SSL. Aquatic Ecological Hazard Quotient output type describes the watre screening level (WSL) HQ for each contaminated aquatic media location chemical concentration over time (eg. water concentration file) using a WSL. The only difference between the two files is in the data set labeling Aquatic HQ vs. Terrestrial HQ.
For each 'Module' producing an EXF section
A line with:
Module Name - [STRING]
Number of Lines that follow for this module's section
End Line
A line with:
Number of Header Lines - [INTEGER]
End Line
For each 'Header Line'
A line with:
Header information - [STRING]
End Line
Next 'Header Line'
A line with:
Number of Data Sets - [INTEGER]
End Line
For each 'Data Set'
A line with:
HQ type - [Const STRING] - "Aquatic HQ" | "Terrestrial HQ"
Exposure Site Name - [STRING]
Number of Locations - [INTEGER]
End Line
For each 'Location'
A line with:
Location Id - [STRING]
Number of Constituents - [INTEGER]
End Line
For each 'Constituent'
A line with
Constituent Name - [STRING]
Constituent CASID - [STRING]
Number of Effects - [STRING]
End Line
For each 'Effect'
A line with:
Description of effect - [STRING]
End Line
A line with:
Number of Time Periods
Time Unit - [Const STRING] - "yr"
Effect Unit - [Const STRING] - "HQ"
End Line
For each �Time Period� A line with:
A line with:
Time - [FLOAT]
End Line
Next �Time Period�
Next �Effect�
Next �Constituent�
Next �Location�
Next 'Data Set'
Next 'Module'
This Terrestrial HQ Example from the base02 test case. For testing information visit the Frames Wiki Wiki Testing page.
Ecological Organism Hazard Quotient
The file can describe either a Aquatic Organism HQ or Terrestrial Organism Intake HQ. Aquatic Organism Hazard Quotient output type describes the HQ over time for aquatic organism constituent concentration (eg. body burden file) using toxicity reference values (eg. ecological benchmarks file). Terrestrial Organism Intake Hazard Quotient output type describes the Intake HQ over time for a given terrestrial organism intake (eg. terrestrial wildlife intake file) divided by a toxicity reference intake values (eg. chemical terrestrial toxicty refernence file) . The only difference between the two files is in the data set labeling Aquatic Organism HQ vs. Terrestrial Organism Intake HQ.
For each 'Module' producing an EXF section
A line with:
Module Name - [STRING]
Number of Lines that follow for this module's section
End Line
A line with:
Number of Header Lines - [INTEGER]
End Line
For each 'Header Line'
A line with:
Header information - [STRING]
End Line
Next 'Header Line'
A line with:
Number of Data Sets - [INTEGER]
End Line
For each 'Data Set'
A line with:
HQ type - [Const STRING] - "Aquatic Organism HQ" | "Terrestrial Organism Intake HQ"
Exposure Site Name - [STRING]
Number of Organisms - [INTEGER]
End Line
For each 'Organism'
A line with
Organism Common Name - [STRING]
Organism Scientific Name - [STRING]
Number of Constiuents - [INTEGER]
End Line
For each 'Constituent'
A line with
Constituent Name - [STRING]
Constituent CASID - [STRING]
Number of Effects - [STRING]
End Line
For each 'Effect'
A line with:
Description of effect - [STRING]
End Line
A line with:
Number of Time Periods
Time Unit - [Const STRING] - "yr"
Effect Unit - [Const STRING] - "HQ"
End Line
For each �Time Period� A line with:
A line with:
Time - [FLOAT]
End Line
Next �Time Period�
Next �Effect�
Next �Constituent�
Next �Organism�
Next 'Data Set'
Next 'Module'
This Aquatic Organism HQ Example is from base01 case and the Terrestrial Organism Intake HQ Example is from the base03 test case. For testing information visit the Frames Wiki Wiki Testing page.