CUSSP Early Career Network
CUSSP is committed to recruiting and developing the next generation of multidisciplinary scientific leaders. The CUSSP Early Career Network (ECN) provides resources and opportunities for researchers growing their careers.
The founding director of the CUSSP ECN is MJ Abdolhosseini Qomi with the University of California, Irvine. The early career researchers are represented by Tom Underwood, a postdoctoral research associate at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Jumanah Al Kubaisy
Institute while in CUSSP: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Job Level: Postdoctoral Research Associate
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: Glenn Hammond
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Area: Development of PFLOTRAN process models (e.g., fluid flow, heat transfer, geomechanics) to more accurately capture the interplay of coupled processes in EGS.

Henry Arhin
Institute while in CUSSP: Clemson University
Job Level: PhD Student
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor:
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Area:

Ruoyu Chen
Institute while in CUSSP: University of California, Irvine
Job Level: Postdoctoral Research Associate
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: Russell Detwiler
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Area: Mineral precipitation, Advection-diffusion-reaction hydraulic model

Kyungsoo Han
Institute while in CUSSP: Purdue University
Job Level: Postdoctoral Research Associate
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Areas: Interaction of crack propagation with mineral veins in rocks; effects of mineral veins (e.g., precipitation and/or dissolution) on shear/slip behavior along rock fractures; geophysical measurements of fractures in rocks.

Travis Flint Hager
Institute while in CUSSP: University of Maryland
Job Level: Postdoctoral Research Associate
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: Wenlu Zhu
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Areas: Performing deformation and micro-CT experiments on selected SURF core samples. Experiments are designed to measure permeability, porosity, electrical conductivity, and velocity of selected core samples for comparison to core-scale measurements. 3-D microtomography data will but used to construct digital rock analogues and perform digital rock physics simulations to obtain permeability and electrical conductivity from in-situ deformation experiments. These results will be used to connect reactive fracture flow and deformation to geophysical signals with the overarching goal is to improve subsurface permeability control at enhanced geothermal fields.
Alexis (Lexy) Hensley
Institute while in CUSSP: Purdue University
Job Level: Physics REU Student
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: David D. Nolte and Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Areas: Analyzing the CUSSP Continuous Active Source Monitoring (CASSM) system data from the 2022 EGS Collab experiments using machine learning (ML). Using a triplet loss neural network, looking for signature identification of altered fractured rock during injection and pressurization across the different source and receiver pairs.

Alexander Kirschen
Email Address: pending
Institute while in CUSSP: Colorado School of Mines
Job Level:
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor:
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Area:

Tommaso Mandolini
Institute while in CUSSP: University of Maryland, Laboratory of Rock Physics
Job Level: Postdoctoral Research Associate
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: Wenlu Zhu
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Areas: Evolution of pore structures and rock strength with increasing deformation under dry and wet conditions (fluid-rock system); brittle and plastic deformation; X-ray computed tomography; electron microscopy.

Jerry Peprah Owusu
Institute while in CUSSP: University of California Irvine
Job Level:Postdoctoral Research Associate
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: MJ Qomi
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Areas: Investigating pore fluid behavior and dynamics by leveraging molecular dynamics and and mesoscale simulationsof the dissolution/precipitation reactions and transport in the absence and presence of electric field.

Oscar Parra-Camara
Institute while in CUSSP: University of California, Irvine
Job Level: PhD Student
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: Russell Detwiler
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Area: Natural material micromodel studies of reactive flow, gradients at the core scale.

Josh Parris
Institute while in CUSSP: Clemson University
Job Level:
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor:
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Area:

Alice Paskin
Email pending
Institute while in CUSSP: Argonne National Laboratory
Job Level: Postdoctoral Research Associate
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: Paul Fenter
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Areas: Understanding the nano- to micro-scale reactivity of mineral-water interfaces relevant to enhanced geothermal energy systems. Specifically, understanding the reaction mechanisms that contribute to electrical signals obtained with geochemical sensing, and evolution of subsurface porosity.

Megan Ryan
Email Address: pending
Institute while in CUSSP: University of Maryland
Job Level:
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor:
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Area:

Shuhong Song
Institute while in CUSSP: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Job Level: Postdoctoral Research Associate
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: Benjamin Legg
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Areas: The nucleation and growth of rare earth elements phases at mineral-water interfaces.

Katherine Swager
Institute while in CUSSP: Colorado School of Mines
Job Level: PhD Student
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: Alexis Sitchler
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Area: Geochemical characterization of mineralized fractures in the Yates Amphibolite to ultimately inform and constrain reactive transport models. Fabricating microfluidic devices using natural fractures for flow experiments to determine dissolution parameters under different chemical conditions.

Tom Underwood
Institute while in CUSSP: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Job Level: Postdoctoral Research Associate
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: Kevin Rosso
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Areas: Leveraging atomistic molecular simulations to deepen insights into geochemical processes occurring at inorganic-organic interfaces, with a specific emphasis on enhancing theories related to flow and transport in nanopores. Investigating the impact of applied electric fields on flow dynamics through nanoporous media. Exploring the phenomenological low-frequency response of spectral induced polarization frequently observed in charged nanopores.
Yuanzhe Wang
Institute while in CUSSP: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Job Level: Grad Student
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: Alexandre Tartakovsky
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Areas: Using reduced order surrogate models for modeling the relationship between physical properties and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT).

Huanyu Wu
Email Address: pending
Institute while in CUSSP: Purdue University
Job Level:
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor:
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Area:

Chuanyao Zhong
Institute while in CUSSP: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Job Level: Postdoctoral Research Associate
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor: Tim C. Johnson
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Area: PFLOTRAN upgrades, providing modeling support, developing advanced models, and integrating data in the machine learning framework.

Yifei Zong
Email Address: pending
Institute while in CUSSP: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Job Level:
Years with CUSSP: 2024-present
CUSSP Mentor:
CUSSP Publications: pending
Research Area:
Career Opportunities
Many of our partners hire early career researchers—including research associates—to support our mission. On our partners' jobs websites, search for "CUSSP" or "subsurface" to find current postings.
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Clemson University
- Colorado School of Mines
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory — See for all PNNL openings or to upload your CV into the Talent Community.
- Purdue University
- University of California, Irvine
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- University of Maryland
- University of New Mexico