Earth Scientist
Earth Scientist


Zhaoqing Yang is a chief scientist for coastal modeling at the Marine Sciences Laboratory of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory located at Sequim, Washington (PNNL-Sequim). Zhaoqing Yang is a joint appointee with PNNL-Sequim and the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, where he serves in the capacity of a distinguished faculty fellow at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

His research covers broad areas using state-of-the-art numerical models, including marine renewable energy, coastal hydrodynamic and transport processes and their responses to climate change and anthropogenic disturbances, storm surge and coastal flooding, and carbon cycling in coastal wetlands. His recent research focuses on coupled nutrient-macroalgae-hydrodynamics modeling, wave and tidal energy resource assessment, and the impacts of storm surge and anthropogenic disturbances on coastal ecosystems and infrastructure.

Yang currently leads PNNL’s modeling effort on regional resource characterization and assessment of tidal-stream and wave energy. He and his team have developed high-resolution storm surge and wave models for coastal hazard assessment in the Puget Sound region of Washington. Yang also leads the development of modeling tools to support scalable macroalgae development using a multi-scale, multi-resolution approach. 

Research Interest

  • Impacts of storm surge and sea level rise on coastal infrastructure and ecosystem
  • Assessment of marine and hydrokinetic energy resource characterization and environmental impacts
  • Integrated modeling of coastal responses to climate change and human activities
  • Modeling of hydrodynamics and transport processes in estuarine and coastal waters
  • Wave dynamics, tidal fronts, and residuals
  • Coastal carbon cycle
  • Modeling analysis of nearshore wetland restoration


  • PhD in physical oceanography, College of William and Mary
  • MS in ocean engineering, The University of Rhode Island
  • MS in physical oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China
  • BS in mathematics and mechanics, Zhongshan University, China

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, 2015–present
  • International Conference of Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Advisory Committee, 2004–2012
  • Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Assessment Committee Member, National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council, 2011–2012
  • Editorial Board Member
    • Journal of Renewable Energy 
    • International Marine Energy Journal 
    • Journal of Coastal Research 
    • Journal of Marine Sciences and Engineering 
  • Member
    • American Geophysical Union
  • Guest Editor
    • Special Issue of Journal of Renewable Energy, “Wave and Tidal Energy Resource Characterization and Assessment”
    • Special Issue of Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, “Wave and Tidal Energy Resource Characterization and Environment Interactions”
  • Reviewer for over 30 peer-reviewed journals and proposals

Awards and Recognitions

  • Best Project Manager Award, Coastal Sciences Division, PNNL, 2022
  • Best Mentor/Supervisor Award, Coastal Sciences Division, PNNL, 2020
  • Exceptional Contribution Program Award, PNNL, 2005, 2007, 2011, 2017
  • Outstanding Performance Award, PNNL, 2006
  • Fellowship on Operational Environmental Prediction, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1994



  • Gaudet B.J., G. Garcia Medina, R. Krishnamurthy, L.M. Sheridan, Z. Yang, R.K. Newsom, and M.S. Pekour, et al. 2024. Assessing Impacts of Waves on Hub-Height Winds off the U.S. West Coast Using Lidar Buoys and Coupled Modeling Approaches. PNNL-35856. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Assessing Impacts of Waves on Hub-Height Winds off the U.S. West Coast Using Lidar Buoys and Coupled Modeling Approaches
  • Spicer P.S., P. MacCready, and Z. Yang. 2024. "Localized Tidal Energy Extraction in Puget Sound Can Adjust Estuary Reflection and Friction, Modifying Barotropic Tides System-Wide." Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 129, no. 5:Art No. e2023JC020401. PNNL-SA-189703. doi:10.1029/2023JC020401
  • Sun N., M.S. Wigmosta, H. Yan, H.A. Eldardiry, Z. Yang, M. Deb, and T. Wang, et al. 2024. "Amplified Extreme Floods and Shifting Flood Mechanisms in the Delaware River Basin in Future Climates." Earth's Future 12, no. 3:Art. No. e2023EF003868. PNNL-SA-185766. doi:10.1029/2023EF003868


  • Branch R.A., Z. Yang, B. Maurer, and A. Chamas. 2023. Riverine Plastic Pollution: Field Sampling Protocol and Implementation in U.S. Rivers. PNNL-35007. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Riverine Plastic Pollution: Field Sampling Protocol and Implementation in U.S. Rivers
  • Calandra G., T. Wang, C. Miller, Z. Yang, and B. Polagye. 2023. "A Comparison of the Power Potential for Surface- and Seabed- Deployed Tidal Turbines in the San Juan Archipelago, Salish Sea, WA." Renewable Energy 214. PNNL-SA-180909. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2023.05.099
  • Chen M., S. Yim, D. Cox, Z. Yang, M.H. Huesemann, T. Mumford, and T. Wang. 2023. "Modeling and Analysis of a Novel Offshore Binary Species Free-Floating Longline Macroalgal Farming System." Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 145, no. 2:Art. No. 021301. PNNL-SA-171580. doi:10.1115/1.4055803
  • Deb M., N. Sun, Z. Yang, T. Wang, D.R. Judi, A. Xiao, and M.S. Wigmosta. 2023. "Interacting effects of watershed and coastal processes on the evolution of compound flooding during Hurricane Irene." Earth's Future 11, no. 3:Art. No. e2022EF002947. PNNL-SA-173756. doi:10.1029/2022EF002947
  • Deb M., Z. Yang, T. Wang, and L. Kilcher. 2023. "Turbulence modeling to aid tidal energy resource characterization in the Western Passage, Maine, USA." Renewable Energy 219, no. Part 1:Art. No. 118694. PNNL-SA-179189. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2023.04.100
  • Garcia Medina G., Z. Yang, N. Li, K.F. Cheung, and E. Luto-McMoore. 2023. "Wave climate and energy resources in American Samoa from a 42-year high-resolution hindcast." Renewable Energy 210. PNNL-SA-178054. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2023.03.031
  • Kilcher L., G. Garcia Medina, and Z. Yang. 2023. "A Scalable Wave Resource Assessment Methodology: Application to U.S. Waters." Renewable Energy 217. PNNL-SA-180812. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2023.119094
  • Li N., G. Garcia Medina, Z. Yang, K.F. Cheung, D. Hitzl, and Y. Chen. 2023. "Wave climate and energy resources in the Mariana Islands from a 42-year high-resolution hindcast." Renewable Energy 215. PNNL-SA-180279. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2023.05.093
  • Spicer P.S., Z. Yang, T. Wang, and M. Deb. 2023. "Tidal energy extraction modifies tidal asymmetry and transport in a shallow, well-mixed estuary." Frontiers in Marine Science 10. PNNL-SA-186613. doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1268348
  • Ticona Rollano F.M., Z. Yang, and T. Wang. 2023. Coupled wave-current modeling for hydrodynamic load analysis of macroalgae cultivation farms. PNNL-33077. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Coupled wave-current modeling for hydrodynamic load analysis of macroalgae cultivation farms
  • Yang Z., G. Garcia Medina, V.S. Neary, S. Ahn, L. Kilcher, and A. Bharath. 2023. "Multi-decade high-resolution regional hindcasts for wave energy resource characterization in U.S. coastal waters." Renewable Energy 212. PNNL-SA-180871. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2023.03.100


  • Branch R.A., Z. Yang, B. Maurer, L.M. Miller, and L. Garavelli. 2022. Riverine Plastic Pollution: Sampling and Analysis Methods. PNNL-32657. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. doi:10.2172/1863833.Riverine Plastic Pollution: Sampling and Analysis Methods.
  • Gaudet B.J., G. Garcia Medina, R. Krishnamurthy, W.J. Shaw, L.M. Sheridan, Z. Yang, and R.K. Newsom, et al. 2022. "Evaluation of coupled wind-wave model simulations of offshore winds in the Mid-Atlantic Bight using lidar-equipped buoys." Monthly Weather Review 150, no. 6:1377-1395. PNNL-SA-161940. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-21-0166.1.
  • Sather N.K., and Z. Yang. 2022. San Juan Islands Tidal Energy Characterization - CRADA 541. PNNL-32868. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. San Juan Islands Tidal Energy Characterization - CRADA 541.
  • Sheridan L.M., R. Krishnamurthy, G. Garcia Medina, B.J. Gaudet, W.I. Gustafson, A.M. Mahon, and W.J. Shaw, et al. 2022. "Offshore Reanalysis Wind Speed Assessment Across the Wind Turbine Rotor Layer off the United States Pacific Coast." Wind Energy Science 7, no. 5:2059-2084. PNNL-SA-169723. doi:10.5194/wes-7-2059-2022.


  • Branch R.A., G. Garcia Medina, Z. Yang, T. Wang, F.M. Ticona Rollano, and L. Hosekova. 2021. "Modeling Sea Ice Effects for Wave Energy Resource Assessments." Energies 14, no. 12:3482. PNNL-SA-163118. doi:10.3390/en14123482.
  • Garcia Medina G., Z. Yang, W. Wu, and T. Wang. 2021. "Wave resource characterization at regional and nearshore scales for the U.S. Alaska coast based on a 32-year high-resolution hindcast." Renewable Energy 170. PNNL-SA-157556. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2021.02.005.
  • Li N., G. Garcia Medina, K.F. Cheung, and Z. Yang. 2021. "Wave energy resources assessment for the multi-modal sea state of Hawaii." Renewable Energy 174. PNNL-SA-158387. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2021.03.116.
  • Robertson B., G. Dunkle, J. Gadasi, G. Garcia Medina, and Z. Yang. 2021. "Holistic Marine Energy Resource Assessments: A Wave and Offshore Wind Perspective of Metocean Conditions." Renewable Energy 170. PNNL-SA-158408. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2021.01.136.
  • Sun N., M.S. Wigmosta, D.R. Judi, Z. Yang, Z. Xiao, and T. Wang. 2021. "Climatological analysis of tropical cyclone impacts on hydrological extremes in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States." Environmental Research Letters 16, no. 12:Art. No. 124009. PNNL-SA-162671. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ac2d6a.
  • Wu W., Z. Yang, X. Zhang, Y. Zhou, B. Tian, and Q. Tang. 2021. "Integrated modeling analysis of estuarine responses to extreme hydrological events and sea-level rise." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 261. PNNL-SA-165588. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107555.
  • Xiao Z., Z. Yang, T. Wang, N. Sun, M.S. Wigmosta, and D.R. Judi. 2021. "Characterizing the Non-linear Interactions Between Tide, Storm Surge, and River Flow in the Delaware Bay Estuary, United States." Frontiers in Marine Science 8. PNNL-SA-162723. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.715557.
  • Yang Z., T. Wang, R.A. Branch, Z. Xiao, and M. Deb. 2021. "Tidal Stream Energy Resource Characterization in the Salish Sea." Renewable Energy 172. PNNL-SA-158248. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2021.03.028.


  • Chen M., S. Yim, D. Cox, Z. Yang, and T. Mumford. 2020. "HYDRODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF MACROALGAE LOCAL MODEL USING COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS." In Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2020), August 3-7, 2020, Virtual, Online, 6B, Paper No. V06BT06A031. New York, New York:American Society of Mechanical Engineers. PNNL-SA-152520.
  • Neary V.S., S. Ahn, B.E. Seng, M.N. Allahdadi, T. Wang, Z. Yang, and R. He. 2020. "Characterization of Extreme Wave Conditions for Wave Energy Converter Design and Project Risk Assessment." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, no. 4:Article No. 289. PNNL-SA-152704. doi:10.3390/jmse8040289.
  • Preziuso D.C., G. Garcia Medina, R.S. O'Neil, Z. Yang, and T. Wang. 2020. "Evaluating the Potential for Tidal Phase Diversity to Produce Smoother Power Profiles." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, no. 4:246. PNNL-SA-150809. doi:10.3390/jmse8040246.
  • Shaw W.J., J. Draher, G. Garcia Medina, A.M. Gorton, R. Krishnamurthy, R.K. Newsom, and M.S. Pekour, et al. 2020. General Analysis of Data Collected from DOE Lidar Buoy Deployments Off Virginia and New Jersey. PNNL-29823. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. doi:10.2172/1632348.General Analysis of Data Collected from DOE Lidar Buoy Deployments Off Virginia and New Jersey.
  • Ticona Rollano F.M., T. Tran, Y. Yu, G. Garcia Medina, and Z. Yang. 2020. "Influence of Time and Frequency Domain Wave Forcing on the Power Estimation of a Wave Energy Converter Array." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, no. 3:171. PNNL-SA-150553. doi:10.3390/jmse8030171.
  • Wang T., and Z. Yang. 2020. "A Tidal Hydrodynamic Model for Cook Inlet, Alaska, to Support Tidal Energy Resource Characterization." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, no. 4:Article No. 254. PNNL-SA-152563. doi:10.3390/jmse8040254.
  • Wang T., Z. Yang, F.M. Ticona Rollano, W. Wu, and G. Garcia Medina. 2020. "A High-resolution Regional Wave Resource Characterization For The U.S. West Coast." In Proceedings of the Annual Offshore Technology Conference (OTC 2020), May 4-7, 20202, Houston;Texas, 2020. Richardson, Texas:Society of Petroleum Engineers. PNNL-SA-150962. doi:10.4043/30669-MS.
  • Whiting J.M., T. Wang, Z. Yang, M.H. Huesemann, P.J. Wolfram, T. Mumford, and D. Righi. 2020. "Simulating the Trajectory and Biomass Growth of Free-Floating Macroalgal Cultivation Platforms along the U.S. West Coast." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, no. 11:938. PNNL-SA-155985. doi:10.3390/jmse8110938.
  • Wu W., T. Wang, Z. Yang, and G. Garcia Medina. 2020. "Development and validation of a high-resolution regional wave hindcast model for U.S. West Coast wave resource characterization." Renewable Energy 152. PNNL-SA-150805. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2020.01.077.
  • Yang Z., and V.S. Neary. 2020. "High-resolution Hindcasts for U.S. Wave Energy Resource Characterization." International Marine Energy Journal 3, no. 2:65-71. PNNL-SA-156781. doi:10.36688/imej.3.65-71.
  • Yang Z., G. Garcia Medina, W. Wu, and T. Wang. 2020. "Characteristics and Variability of the Nearshore Wave Resource on the U.S. West Coast." Energy 203. PNNL-SA-153191. doi:10.1016/
  • Yang Z., T. Wang, L. Castrucci, and I. Miller. 2020. "Modeling assessment of storm surge in the Salish Sea." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 238. PNNL-SA-150224. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106552.
  • Yang Z., T. Wang, Z. Xiao, L. Kilcher, K. Haas, H. Xue, and X. Feng. 2020. "Modeling Assessment of Tidal Energy Extraction in the Western Passage." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, no. 6:Article No. 411. PNNL-SA-152564. doi:10.3390/jmse8060411.


  • Chen M., S. Yim, D. Cox, T. Wang, M.H. Huesemann, Z. Yang, and T. Mumford, et al. 2019. "Hydrodynamic Load Modeling for Offshore Free-Floating Macroalgal Aquaculture under Extreme Environmental Conditions." In Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2019), June 9-14, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, 6, Paper No: OMAE2019-96803, V006T05A008. New York, New York:ASME. PNNL-SA-146823. doi:10.1115/OMAE2019-96803
  • Garcia Medina G., Z. Yang, N. Li, K.F. Cheung, T. Wang, and W. Wu. 2019. High-Resolution Regional Wave Hindcast for Hawaii. PNNL-29370. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. High-Resolution Regional Wave Hindcast for Hawaii
  • Preziuso D.C., G. Garcia Medina, R.S. O'Neil, and Z. Yang. 2019. "Evaluating the tidal energy resource for smooth power output and grid integration in the United States." In OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE, October 27-31, 2019, Seattle, WA. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-147231. doi:10.23919/OCEANS40490.2019.8962815
  • Wang T., and Z. Yang. 2019. "The Nonlinear Response of Storm Surge to Sea-Level Rise: A Modeling Approach." Journal of Coastal Research. JCR 35, no. 2:287-294. PNNL-SA-137846. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-18-00029.1
  • Yang Z., G. Garcia Medina, W. Wu, T. Wang, L. Leung, L. Castrucci, and G. Mauger. 2019. "Modeling Analysis of the Swell and Wind-Sea Climate in the Salish Sea." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 224. PNNL-SA-140307. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2019.04.043
  • Yang Z., T. Wang, and L. Castrucci. 2019. Storm Surge Modeling in Puget Sound. PNNL-28685. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Storm Surge Modeling in Puget Sound
  • Yang Z., W. Wu, T. Wang, G. Garcia Medina, and L. Castrucci. 2019. High-Resolution Regional Wave Hindcast for the U.S. Alaska Coast. PNNL-29479. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. High-Resolution Regional Wave Hindcast for the U.S. Alaska Coast


  • Wang T., Z. Yang, W. Wu, and M.E. Grear. 2018. "A Sensitivity Analysis of the Wind Forcing Effect on the Accuracy of Large-Wave Hindcasting." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 6, no. 4. PNNL-SA-139620. doi:10.3390/jmse6040139
  • Wu W., Z. Yang, and T. Wang. 2018. "Wave Resource Characterization Using an Unstructured-grid Modeling Approach." Energies 11, no. 3:Article No. 605. PNNL-SA-132143. doi:10.3390/en11030605
  • Wu W., Z. Yang, B. Tian, Y. Huang, Y. Zhou, and T. Zhang. 2018. "Impacts of coastal reclamation on wetlands: Loss, resilience, and sustainable management." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 210. PNNL-SA-135890. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2018.06.013
  • Yang Z., W. Wu, T. Wang, and L. Castrucci. 2018. High-Resolution Regional Wave Hindcast for the U.S. West Coast. PNNL-28107. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. High-Resolution Regional Wave Hindcast for the U.S. West Coast
  • Yang Z., W. Wu, T. Wang, L. Castrucci, and G. Garcia Medina. 2018. Simulating Wave Climate in the Salish Sea. PNNL-27998. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Simulating Wave Climate in the Salish Sea


  • Wang T., and Z. Yang. 2017. "A Modeling Study of Tidal Energy Extraction and the Associated Impact on Tidal Circulation in a Multi-inlet Bay System of Puget Sound." Renewable Energy 114, no. Part A:204-214. PNNL-SA-124782. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2017.03.049
  • Yang Z., and A.E. Copping. 2017. Marine Renewable Energy: Resource Characterization and Physical Effects. Cham:Springer International Publishing. PNNL-SA-125380. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-53536-4
  • Yang Z., V.S. Neary, T. Wang, B. Gunawanb, A.R. Dallman, and W. Wu. 2017. "A Wave Model Test Bed Study for Wave Energy Resource Characterization." Renewable Energy 114, no. Part A:132-144. PNNL-SA-122388. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.12.057


  • Long W., K. Jung, Z. Yang, A.E. Copping, and Z. Deng. 2016. "Coupled Modeling of Hydrodynamics and Sound in Coastal Ocean for Renewable Ocean Energy Development." Marine Technology Society Journal 50, no. 2:27-36. PNNL-SA-114856. doi:10.4031/MTSJ.50.2.6
  • Tian B., W. Wu, Z. Yang, and Y. Zhou. 2016. "Drivers, Trends, and Potential Impacts of Long-Term Coastal Reclamation in China from 1985 to 2010." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 170. PNNL-SA-115556. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2016.01.006
  • Xuan J., Z. Yang, D. Huang, T. Wang, and F. Zhou. 2016. "Tidal residual current and its role in the mean flow on the Changjiang Bank." Journal of Marine Systems 154, no. Part A:66-81. PNNL-SA-109787. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.04.005
  • Yang Z., and T. Wang. 2016. "NUMERICAL MODELS AS ENABLING TOOLS FOR TIDAL-STREAM ENERGY EXTRACTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT." In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, June 18-24, 2016, Busan, South Korea, 6, V006T05A006, OMAE2016-54223. New York, New York:American Society of Mechanical Engineers. PNNL-SA-116734. doi:10.1115/OMAE2016-54223
  • Yang Z., S. Taraphdar, T. Wang, L. Leung, and M.E. Grear. 2016. "Uncertainty and feasibility of dynamical downscaling for modeling tropical cyclones for storm surge simulation." Natural Hazards 84, no. 2:1161-1184. PNNL-SA-119692. doi:10.1007/s11069-016-2482-y


  • Long W., Z. Yang, A.E. Copping, K. Jung, and Z. Deng. 2015. "The Development of a Finite Volume Method for Modeling Sound in Coastal Ocean Environment." In OCEANS'15 MTS/IEEE Washington, October 19-22, 2015, Washington DC, 1-6. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-112403. doi:10.23919/OCEANS.2015.7404439
  • Wang T., and Z. Yang. 2015. "Understanding the Flushing Capability of Bellingham Bay and Its Implication on Bottom Water Hypoxia." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 165. PNNL-SA-109990. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2015.04.010
  • Wang T., Z. Yang, and A.E. Copping. 2015. "A Modeling Study of the Potential Water Quality Impacts from In-Stream Tidal Energy Extraction." Estuaries and Coasts 38, no. 1 (Supplement):173-186. PNNL-SA-97921. doi:10.1007/s12237-013-9718-9
  • Yang Z., and T. Wang. 2015. "Modeling the Effects of Tidal Energy Extraction on Estuarine Hydrodynamics in a Stratified Estuary." Estuaries and Coasts 38, no. 1 Supplement:187-202. PNNL-SA-97325. doi:10.1007/s12237-013-9684-2
  • Yang Z., and T. Wang. 2015. "Responses of Estuarine Circulation and Salinity to the Loss of Intertidal Flats - A Modeling Study." Continental Shelf Research 111, no. Part B:159-173. PNNL-SA-111458. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2015.08.011
  • Yang Z., T. Wang, N. Voisin, and A.E. Copping. 2015. "Estuarine Response to River Flow and Sea-Level Rise under Future Climate Change and Human Development." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 156. PNNL-SA-102982. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2014.08.015


  • Li Y., J. Yi, H. Song, Q. Wang, Z. Yang, N.D. Kelley, and K. Lee. 2014. "On the Natural Frequency of Tidal Current Power Systems - A Discussion of Sea Testing." Applied Physics Letters 105, no. 2:Article No. 023902. PNNL-SA-100413. doi:10.1063/1.4886797
  • Yang Z., and T. Wang. 2014. "Hydrodynamic Modeling Analysis to Support Nearshore Restoration Projects in a Changing Climate." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2, no. 1:18-32. PNWD-SA-10261. doi:10.3390/jmse2010018
  • Yang Z., T. Wang, A. Copping, and S.H. Geerlofs. 2014. "Modeling In-stream Tidal Energy Extraction and Its Potential Environmental Impacts." In Proceedings of the 10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 2013, n/a. London:European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. PNNL-SA-98054.
  • Yang Z., T. Wang, A.E. Copping, and S.H. Geerlofs. 2014. "Modeling of In-stream Tidal Energy Development and its Potential Effects in Tacoma Narrows, Washington, USA." Ocean and Coastal Management 99. PNNL-SA-100989. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.02.010
  • Yang Z., T. Wang, and A. Copping. 2014. "ARRAY OPTIMIZATION FOR TIDAL ENERGY EXTRACTION IN A TIDAL CHANNEL - A NUMERICAL MODELING ANALYSIS." In Proceedings of the 2nd Marine Energy Technology Symposium (METS2014), April 15-28, 2014, Seattle, Washington. Gaithersburg, Maryland:Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition. PNNL-SA-102213.


  • Copping A.E., Z. Yang, N. Voisin, J. Richey, T. Wang, R.Y. Taira, and M. Constans, et al. 2013. Integrated Modeling and Decision-Support System for Water Management in the Puget Sound Basin: Snow Caps to White Caps. PNNL-23078. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Integrated Modeling and Decision-Support System for Water Management in the Puget Sound Basin: Snow Caps to White Caps
  • Yang Z., and T. Wang. 2013. "Tidal Residual Eddies and their Effect on Water Exchange in Puget Sound." Ocean Dynamics 63, no. 8:995-1009. PNNL-SA-95667. doi:10.1007/s10236-013-0635-z
  • Yang Z., T. Wang, and A.E. Copping. 2013. "Modeling Tidal Stream Energy Extraction and its Effects on Transport Processes in a Tidal Channel and Bay System Using a Three-dimensional Coastal Ocean Model." Renewable Energy 50. PNNL-SA-88183. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2012.07.024
  • Yang Z., T. Wang, L.R. Leung, K.A. Hibbard, A.C. Janetos, I.P. Kraucunas, and J.S. Rice, et al. 2013. "A modeling study of coastal inundation induced by storm surge, sea-level rise, and subsidence in the Gulf of Mexico." Natural Hazards 71, no. 3:1771-1794. PNNL-SA-94696. doi:10.1007/s11069-013-0974-6


  • Wang T., and Z. Yang. 2012. "A Modeling Study of Hydrodynamic Circulation in a Fjord of the Pacific Northwest." In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, November 7-9, 2011, St. Augustine, Florida, 256-273. Reston, Virginia:American Society of Civil Engineering. PNNL-SA-86494.
  • Yang Z., and T. Wang. 2012. "Hydrodynamic Modeling Analysis of Tidal Wetland Restoration in Snohomish River, Washington." In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, November 7-9, 2011, St Augustine, Florida, edited by ML Spaulding, 139-155. Reston, Virginia:American Society of Civil Engineers. PNNL-SA-84170. doi:10.1061/9780784412411.00008
  • Yang Z., T. Wang, T. Khangaonkar, and S.A. Breithaupt. 2012. "Integrated Modeling of Flood Flows and Tidal Hydrodynamics over a Coastal Floodplain." Environmental Fluid Mechanics 12, no. 1:63-80. PNWD-SA-9428. doi:10.1007/s10652-011-9214-3


  • Khangaonkar T., and Z. Yang. 2011. "A High Resolution Hydrodynamic Model of Puget Sound to Support Nearshore Restoration Feasibility Analysis and Design." Ecological Restoration 29, no. 1-2:173-184. PNNL-SA-70081. doi:10.3368/er.29.1-2.173
  • Khangaonkar T., Z. Yang, T. Kim, and M. Roberts. 2011. "Tidally averaged circulation in Puget Sound sub-basins: Comparison of historical data, analytical model, and numerical model." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 93, no. 4:305-319. PNNL-SA-80338. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2011.04.016
  • Yang Z., and T. Wang. 2011. Assessment of Tidal Energy Removal Impacts on Physical Systems: Development of MHK Module and Analysis of Effects on Hydrodynamics. PNNL-20804. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Assessment of Tidal Energy Removal Impacts on Physical Systems: Development of MHK Module and Analysis of Effects on Hydrodynamics
  • Yang Z., T. Khangaonkar, and T. Wang. 2011. "Use of Advanced Meteorological Model Output for Coastal Ocean Modeling in Puget Sound." International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems 2, no. 2:101-117. PNNL-SA-80241.


  • Khangaonkar T., Z. Yang, S.H. Geerlofs, and A. Copping. 2010. "Overland Tidal Power Generation Using Modular Tidal Prism." In Estuarine and Coastal Modeling: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference, November 4-6, 2009, Seattle, WA, edited by ML Spaulding, 466-477. Reston, Virginia:American Society of Civil Engineers. PNNL-SA-71118. doi:10.1061/41121(388)28
  • Kim T., R.G. Labiosa, T. Khangaonkar, Z. Yang, C. Chen, J. Qi, and C. Cerco. 2010. "Development and evaluation of a coupled hydrodynamic (FVCOM) and water quality model (CE-QUAL-ICM)." In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, November 4-6, 2009, Seattle, Washington, edited by ML Spaulding, 373-388. Reston, Virginia:American Society of Civil Engineers. PNNL-SA-69320. doi:10.1061/41121(388)23
  • Wang T., Z. Yang, and T. Khangaonkar. 2010. Development of a Hydrodynamic and Transport model of Bellingham Bay in Support of Nearshore Habitat Restoration. PNNL-19347. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Development of a Hydrodynamic and Transport model of Bellingham Bay in Support of Nearshore Habitat Restoration
  • Yang Z., and T. Khangaonkar. 2010. "Multi-scale modeling of Puget Sound using an unstructured-grid coastal ocean model: from tide flats to estuaries and coastal waters." Ocean Dynamics 60, no. 6:1621-1637. PNNL-SA-77035. doi:10.1007/s10236-010-0348-5
  • Yang Z., and T. Wang. 2010. Hydrodynamic Modeling Analysis of Union Slough Restoration Project in Snohomish River, Washington. PNNL-20076. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Hydrodynamic Modeling Analysis of Union Slough Restoration Project in Snohomish River, Washington
  • Yang Z., K.L. Sobocinski, D.W. Heatwole, T. Khangaonkar, R.M. Thom, and R. Fuller. 2010. "Hydrodynamic and Ecological Assessment of Nearshore Restoration: A Modeling Study." Ecological Modelling 221, no. 7:1043-1053. PNNL-SA-61739. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.07.011
  • Yang Z., T. Khangaonkar, and T. Wang. 2010. Assessment of Energy Removal Impacts on Physical Systems: Hydrodynamic Model Domain Expansion and Refinement, and Online Dissemination of Model Results. PNNL-19882. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Assessment of Energy Removal Impacts on Physical Systems: Hydrodynamic Model Domain Expansion and Refinement, and Online Dissemination of Model Results
  • Yang Z., T. Khangaonkar, M. Calvi, and K. Nelson. 2010. "Simulation of Cumulative Effects of Nearshore Restoration Projects on Estuarine Hydrodynamics." Ecological Modelling 221, no. 7:969-977. PNWD-SA-8277. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.12.006
  • Yang Z., T. Khangaonkar, R.G. Labiosa, and T. Kim. 2010. Puget Sound Dissolved Oxygen Modeling Study: Development of an Intermediate-Scale Hydrodynamic Model. PNNL-18484. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Puget Sound Dissolved Oxygen Modeling Study: Development of an Intermediate-Scale Hydrodynamic Model


  • Yang Z., and T.P. Khangaonkar. 2009. "Modeling Tidal Circulation and Stratification in Skagit River Estuary Using an Unstructured Grid Ocean Model." Ocean Modelling 28, no. 1-3:34-49. (special issue). PNWD-SA-8278.
  • Yang Z., T. Khangaonkar, J.M. Chase, and T. Wang. 2009. "Puget Sound Operational Forecast System - A Real-time Predictive Tool for Marine Resource Management and Emergency Responses." In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, November 4-6, 2009, Seattle, WA, edited by ML Spaulding, 356-372. Reston, Virginia:American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). PNNL-SA-71183. doi:10.1061/41121(388)22


  • Khangaonkar T.P., and Z. Yang. 2008. "DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF STREAM TEMPERATURES TO BOUNDARY AND INFLOW PERTURBATION DUE TO RESERVOIR OPERATIONS." River Research and Applications 24, no. 4:420-433. PNNL-SA-59954. doi:10.1002/rra.1088
  • Khangaonkar T.P., Z. Yang, J. Paik, and F. Sotiropoulos. 2008. "Simulation of Hydrodynamics at Stratified Reservoirs Using a Staged Modeling Approach." Journal of Coastal Research. JCR. PNNL-SA-57677.
  • Yang Z., and T.P. Khangaonkar. 2008. "Modeling of Coastal Effluent Transport: an Approach to Linking of Far-field and Near-field Models." Acta Oceanologica Sinica 27. PNNL-SA-48553.
  • Yang Z., and T.P. Khangaonkar. 2008. "Modeling of Salt Intrusion, Intertidal Mixing, and Circulation in a Braided Estuary." In Surface Water Modeling, 52, 171-180. Boca Raton, Florida:Journal of Coastal Research. PNWD-SA-8011.


  • Frick W.E., W.E. Frick, T.P. Khangaonkar, A.C. Sigleo, and Z. Yang. 2007. "Estuarine-ocean exchange in a North Pacific estuary: comparison of steady state and dynamic model." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 74, no. 1-2:1-11. PNNL-SA-49044. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2007.02.019
  • Whelan G., W.D. Millard, G.M. Gelston, T.P. Khangaonkar, M.A. Pelton, D.L. Strenge, and Z. Yang, et al. 2007. "Using FRAMES to Manage Environmental and Water Resources." In Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007: Restoring our Natural Habitat, May 15-19, 2007, Tampa, Florida, USA, edited by Karen C. Kabbes. Reston, Virginia:American Society of Civil Engineers. PNNL-SA-53354. doi:10.1061/40927(243)130
  • Yang Z., and T.P. Khangaonkar. 2007. Development of a Hydrodynamic Model of Puget Sound and Northwest Straits. PNNL-17161. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Development of a Hydrodynamic Model of Puget Sound and Northwest Straits


  • Lee C., Z. Yang, T.P. Khangaonkar, and A. Divers. 2006. "Application of a Hydrodynamic Model for Assessing the Hydraulic Capacity and Flow Field at Willamette Falls Dam, Oregon." In Estuarine and Coastal Modeling. Proceedings of 9th International Conference held in Charleston, SC, Oct.31-Nov. 2, 2005, edited by M.L. Spaulding, 788-805. Reston, Virginia:American Society of Civil Engineers. PNWD-SA-7309.
  • Whelan G., W.D. Millard, G.M. Gelston, M.A. Pelton, Z. Yang, D.L. Strenge, and C. Lee, et al. 2006. Rapid Risk Assessment: FY05 Annual Summary Report. PNNL-15697. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Rapid Risk Assessment: FY05 Annual Summary Report
  • Yang Z., H. Liu, and T.P. Khangaonkar. 2006. "Development of a Hydrodynamic Model for Skagit River Estuary for Estuarine Restoration Feasibility Assessment." In Estuarine and Coastal Modeling: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference held in Charleston, SC, Oct. 31-Nov.2, 2005, edited by M.L. Spaulding, 752-767. Reston, Virginia:American Society of Civil Engineers. PNWD-SA-7307.


  • Khangaonkar T.P., Z. Yang, C. DeGasperi, and K. Marshall. 2005. "Modeling Hydrothermal Response of a Reservoir to Modifications at a High-Head Dam." Water International 30, no. 3:378-388. PNWD-SA-7113.
  • Yang Z., H. Liu, and T.P. Khangaonkar. 2005. "Development of a Hydrodynamic Model for Skagit River Estuary for Estuarine Restoration Feasibility Assessment." In The 9th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling. Reston, Virginia:American Society of Civil Engineers. PNWD-SA-7228.

Selected Publications


  • Yang, Z., and J.M. Hamrick. 2005. Optimal Control of Salinity Boundary Condition in a Tidal Model Using a Variational Inverse Method. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 62, 13-24. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2004.08.003


  • Khangaonkar, T. and Z. Yang. 2004. Coastal Circulation and Effluent Transport Modeling at Cherry Point, Washington. Estuarine and Coastal Modeling. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference, M. L. Spaulding, et al., (eds.). American Society of Civil Engineers, Monterey, CA, pp. 475-491, doi 10.1061/40734(145)30
  • Yang, Z., T. Khangaonkar, and S. Breithaupt. 2004. Modeling of Tidal Circulation and Pollutant Transport in Port Angeles Harbor and Strait of Juan de Fuca. Estuarine and Coastal Modeling. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference, M. L. Spaulding, et al., (eds.). American Society of Civil Engineers, Monterey, CA, pp. 55-73, doi 10.1061/40734(145)5


  • Yang, Z., and J.M. Hamrick. 2003. Variational Inverse Parameter Estimation in a Cohesive Sediment Transport Model: an Adjoint Approach. J. Geophys. Res, 108(C2), 3055, doi:10.1029/2002JC001423, 2003


  • Breithaupt, S., T. Khangaonkar, Z. Yang. May 2002. Numerical Modeling for the Chinook River Wetlands Restoration Project. In: Proceedings of Coastal Water Resources Conference, American Water Resources Association, New Orleans, LA, pp. 99-104
  • Khangaonkar, T., Z. Yang, R. Hummell and E. Tokkar. 2002. Effluent Solids Transport and Deposition Using Coupled Near-field Dilution and Far-field 3D Circulation and Transport Models. In: Proceedings of TAPPI 2002
  • Yang, Z., and J.M. Hamrick. 2002. Variational Inverse Parameter Estimation in a Long-term Tidal Transport Model. Water Resources Research, 38 (10), 1204, doi:10.1029/2001WR001121, 2002
  • Yang, Z., T. Khangaonkar, C. DeGasperi and K. Marshall. 2002. Modeling of Water Quality in Lake Simtustus, Oregon, Estuarine and Coastal Modeling. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, M. L. Spaulding, et al., (eds.). American Society of Civil Engineers, St Pete Beach, FL, pp.765-782


  • Yang, Z., A. Baptista, and J. Darland. 2000. Numerical modeling of flow characteristics in a rotating annular flume. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans. (31):271-294
  • Yang, Z., T. Khangaonkar, C. DeGasperi and K. Marshall. 2000. Three-dimensional Modeling of Temperature Stratification and Density-driven Circulation in Lake Billy Chinook, Oregon, Estuarine and Coastal Modeling. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference, M. L. Spaulding, et al., (eds.). American Society of Civil Engineers, New Orleans, LA, pp. 411-425