Vanessa Garayburu-Caruso
Earth Scientist
Vanessa Garayburu-Caruso
Earth Scientist
Vanessa Garayburu-Caruso is a key contributor to the River Corridor Science Focus Area project and is involved in research associated with carbon chemistry and watershed perturbations. She is also the chemistry team lead for Worldwide Hydrobiogeochemistry Observation Network for Dynamic River Systems (WHONDRS) and a lead scientist for the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory's Molecular Observation Network.
Garayburu-Caruso has extensive experience studying river corridor biogeochemistry using ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry data and geochemical methods and instrumentation.
Research Interest
- River corridor hydrology and biogeochemistry
- Organic matter chemistry
- Groundwater-surface water interactions
- Nutrient processing
- MS in Civil Engineering, University of New Mexico, 2017
- BS in Chemical Engineering, Universidad Simon Bolivar Caracas, 2014
Awards and Recognitions
- Outstanding Performance Award, Energy and Environment Directorate, PNNL (2018)
- Garayburu-Caruso VA, J Stegen, H-S Song, L Renteria, J Wells, W Garcia, TR Charles, A Goldman, R Chu, J Toyoda, EB Graham. (2020). “Carbon limitation leads to thermodynamic regulation of aerobic metabolism.” Environmental Science & Technology Letters Article ASAP doi:10.1021/acs.estlett.0c00258
- Gootman KS, R González‐Pinzón, JL Knapp, V Garayburu‐Caruso, and JE Cable. (2020). “Spatiotemporal Variability in Transport and Reactive Processes Across a First‐to Fifth‐Order Fluvial Network.” Water Resources Research, 56(5), e2019WR026303.
- Cordova EA, VA Garayburu-Caruso, CI Pearce, KJ Cantrell, J Morad, E Gillispie, and O Qafoku. (2020). “Hybrid Sorbents for 129I Capture from Contaminated Groundwater.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
- Knelman JE, SK Schmidt, V Garayburu-Caruso, S Kumar, and EB Graham. (2019). “Multiple, compounding disturbances in a forest ecosystem: fire increases susceptibility of soil edaphic properties, bacterial community structure, and function to change with extreme precipitation event.” Soil Systems, 3(2), p.40.doi:
- Garayburu-Caruso VA, AE Goldman, RK Chu, RE Danczak, EB Graham, X Lin, JW Morad, H Ren, L Renteria, CT Resch, M Tfaily, N Tolic, JG Toyoda, JR Wells, and JC Stegen. (2019). “WHONDRS 48 Hour Diel Cycling Study at the Columbia River in Washington, USA.” doi:10.15485/1577265.